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The Dirty Dozen
Perfect 22 Points 1967

Best cast ever. Best men on a mission war movie ever.

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Schindler's List
Perfect 21 Points 1993

Spielberg’s incredibly impactful and cinematic re-telling of arguably the darkest period in human history won’t soon be forgotten. If you weren’t already shocked by the history of Nazism, this movie will bring it home to you with images from the Warsaw Ghetto, Auschwitz, survival and crazed blind…

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4 Replies
  • MJ5K – Easily the best holocaust movie. And I agree with FA...
  • Fire at Will! – It's a fantastic movie - and yes, the best Holocaust...
  • Wick – I agree that it is the Best Holocaust movie.
  • Wolfman898 – Best Movie ever made.
Sin City
Really Great 21 Points 2005

What a fun movie! I stayed away for a long time because I didn’t want to see all the violence, but … now that I’ve seen it, wow am I glad I did. The cast is stellar, the storyline is obviously great, and I just really had a good time watching this movie. Don’t show the kids though!

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John Carter
OK 20 Points 2012

Taylor Kitsch is John Carter, a civil war era yankee and indian fighter transplanted to Mars only to find himself in another fight. A fight for a hot woman and against bad guys bent on destroying the planet. This was a hodge-podge of a movie that tries to borrow from every Sci Fi film you’ve e…

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2 Replies
  • BrettHarrison – Regarding "BrettHarrison's Review":http://www.viewgu...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrettHarrison's Review":http://www.viewgu...
Lonesome Dove
Really Great 17 Points 1989

This epic TV miniseries follows ex Texas Rangers (Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones) as they steal horses in Mexico then get involved in a cattle drive to Montana in the 1880’s. A little Kitschy at times, but endearing to watch the pair banter back and forth and perform their manly cowboy roles. …

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1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
What's Eating G...
Great 17 Points 1993

Retro Depp and DiCaprio in this charming film about the oddities of life and love in the podunk town of Endura. The best part about the movie was the great acting from depp and DiCaprio, not to mention a great cast of characters by Juliette Lewis, John C Reily, Mary Steenburgen, and Crispin Glov…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Barely OK 17 Points 2008

Ok, so I put off seeing this for many years, but I finally bit the bullet and watched the teenage phenomena fueling Twilight. Well, apparently I wasn’t missing much. Other than the beautiful Washington rainy backdrop, it was an amalgam of unlikely events strung together to highlight the the tee…

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2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Love the review AMC. Very amusing.
The Best Exotic...
Very Good 17 Points 2012

Take a colorful cohort of old British retirees, send them to India where they’ve been promised an elegant and beautiful spot to retire, and then make lemonade from lemons. Best Exotic is a cute film, with an endearing quality that kept me (the most avid of action short-attention-span film love…

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2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Yeah - that's a fair assessment
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
OK 17 Points 2014

The story had a lot of promise: A forced dystopian society where the citizens begin to challenge, rise-up, and rebel. Unfortunately, the execution is a bit ho-hum, despite enjoyable acting by Shailene Woodley, Ashley Judd and even Kate Winslet. I’d summarize it by saying if they released as …

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1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Dogs of War
OK 17 Points 1981

Got African dictator coup? It used to be cliche, but its been a while – so I indulged myself in this action movie sleeper. In the end, I was entertained, but not overly impressed. Decent action, but not enough of it. Classic Christopher Walken drama – but slightly over done. A lot of time for c…

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