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BrianSez's Review

Created Sep 01, 2014 04:56PM PST • Edited Sep 01, 2014 04:56PM PST

  1. Quality
  2. OK 2.5

    Got African dictator coup? It used to be cliche, but its been a while – so I indulged myself in this action movie sleeper. In the end, I was entertained, but not overly impressed. Decent action, but not enough of it. Classic Christopher Walken drama – but slightly over done. A lot of time for character development, but I still felt out of touch. I was surprised to find out (after watching) that this was an adaptation of a Frederick Forsyth novel. Forsyth’s
    novels are awesome, which made DOW a bit more of a let down than it already was. Not all bad though – enjoy watching the stressful action from the sweaty and enterprising mercenaries who just can’t help but mess with the militaristic but resource rich regime in their hopes to turn it into a profitable group of puppets.

  3. Good 3.0
  4. Male Stars Good 3.0
  5. Female Stars Good 3.0
  6. Female Costars Good 3.0
  7. Male Costars Good 3.0
  8. OK 2.5
  9. Direction OK 2.5
  10. Play OK 2.5
  11. Music OK 2.5
  12. Visuals OK 2.5
  13. Content
  14. Risqué 1.9
  15. Sex Titillating 1.9
  16. Violence Fierce 1.9
  17. Rudeness Salty 1.9
  18. Glib 1.8
  19. Circumstantial Glib 1.8
  20. Biological Glib 1.8
  21. Physical Glib 1.8


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