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The Discreet Ch...
Barely OK 66 Points 1972

Great title, lame movie. Perhaps the cutting edge from 1972 was bound to appear silly four decades later, but this French farce sure hasn’t aged well. Desperate to offend, it mostly baffles and boggles. Is it too late to rescind its Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film?

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Les Misérables
Barely OK 78 Points 2012

People want to love Les Miz and many have, including the Oscars and a fellow ViewGuider. Fair enough. Beloved is beloved, especially when a blockbuster movie doesn’t stint on production values or star power. Sometimes however, an ugly truth is hiding right in plain sight, or in plain earshot…

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WikChip Image Samantha Barks stands out in a crowd
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  • Wick – Regarding "jasonhurwitz's Review":http://www.viewgui...
Jason Bourne
Barely OK 66 Points 2016

The only smile triggered by Jason Bourne comes after the very long end credits, where the fine print under a “Green is Universal” logo brags about how this steroidal killfest used Sustainable Filming Practices. So let’s get this straight. After the private jets used by Matt Damon and his large …

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WikChip Image Mighty Matt rocks his upside-down grin.
Vantage Point
Barely OK 44 Points 2008

A fun and exciting movie that delivers even though it is via a “gimick”. At first I thought it wouldn’t work, but the progressive re-telling of the story from different vantage points worked well. Each time the story is told, we are revealed a little more about what was really going on. My only …

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The Eagle
OK 83 Points 2011

Cravenly exploitative and sporting a bad title, The Eagle mostly lays an egg. While it’s kinda worth watching for hard-bitten war movie guys, slumming history buffs should steer clear. As one of those stories that starts where the legend leaves off, the history is tripe. Fortunately the prod…

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WikChip Image Great visuals of Roman-era Britain
OK 83 Points 2010

Slasher movies have nothing on this swordplay spectacular. Heads and arms are so much meat for the blade, lopped off right and left, as a group of Roman soldiers battles back from behind enemy lines.

So what’s to recommend it? A visually rich portrayal of the Roman army in early Britannia, t…

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WikChip Image Ninth Legion General Titus Flavius Vi...
OK 17 Points 2011

A dramatic tale of Manchester United in the 50’s and the Munich air crash that killed 8 team members. As with most sports movies, Manchester starts with the usual formula: work hard, come from behind, do great things. Then Munich happened. Just like you’d expect, things got depressing – de…

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Battle of Britain
OK 17 Points 1969

They don’t make war movies like this any more: primadonna stars rendering glamorous portrayals of gentlemanly air-boys, and acting that would be considered as being over the top. Battle of Britain is all of that, and I loved it. Marvelous old planes, awesome old aerial shots of the English co…

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  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
OK 66 Points 2012

Senior citizen cinema is experiencing somewhat of a boomlet now. Quartet typifies the trend, spinning a gently comedic story about old flames who reunite in a retirement home for musicians and opera singers. It’s a pleasant enough movie, albeit too formulaic to be really interesting.

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WikChip Image Now that's a retirement home.
Closed Circuit
OK 3 Points 2013

I took my wife to another movie that did not star Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchette, Eva Mendes, Marissa Tomei, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Ryan Gosling or Phillip Seymour Hoffman and it was called Closed Circuit. You must do these things to remember why you appreciate a fine performa…

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