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In Bruges
Good 98 Points 2008

Semi-funny and too precious for its own good, this comedy of disgrace asks us to warm up to loutish and sociopathic characters because they have their “normal” sides. They show occasional remorse, brush their teeth like normal people, one of them even has a normal family. The movie is like a Br…

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  • Wick – Great review Finks. I've avoided this movie becau...
Lock, Stock and...
Good 66 Points 1998

The biggest British movie of ‘98 was Guy Ritchie’s first ever, a very British one indeed. Much of the humor is how unintelligible most of the movie’s lowlifes are, Ritchie being a specialist in ultra vernacular comedy.

Three million Brits bought tickets. Frankly, that’s too much British com…

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WikChip Image Barry the Baptist ain't happy.
Juliet, Naked
Good 66 Points 2018

Charming romcoms that are more intelligent than LOL funny are worth their weight in popcorn. Juliet, Naked is lightly buttered, a fine time at the movies for smart comedy fans as much as for lonely hearts.

An exceptionally strong cast centers on the serene beauty of brainy Rose Byrne, who i…

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WikChip Video Beauty & Two Beasts
My Week with Ma...
Good 66 Points 2011

Showbiz legends Marilyn Monroe, Lawrence Olivier, Vivien Leigh & Arthur Miller give My Week with Marilyn more sizzle than it deserves. A cinematic goddess descends to live amongst the hoi polloi and everyone loses their minds, the men mostly, the women indirectly through their men. Marilyn’s al…

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WikChip Video Marilyn visits Eton, boys go crazy.
The Gentlemen
Good 66 Points 2019

No wonder Madonna divorced Guy Ritchie, a bloke who makes the most ungentlemanly movies possible. The Gentlemen more than proves the point. A Toxic Masculinity Opera, it’s full of dicks calling each other c*nts, when they’re not proffering racial putdowns. Methinks they try too hard. Compensa…

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Gainsbourg: A H...
Good 66 Points 2010

French musical sensation Serge Gainsbourg explains himself in this surreal biopic. Largely unknown here in America, Gainsbourg was a cross between Dylan, Sinatra and Leonard Cohen in France. The women he squired – including Brigitte Bardot during her superstar heyday – comprise a good part of h…

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WikChip Image Musician's Beauty: Gainsbourg & Bardot
Good 96 Points 2008

Valkyrie is an ultimate Nazi movie hamstrung by a lack of Germans: As victors, the Americans and British get to write the history of WWII, but they should at least have used Teutonic actors for this German Army story. Instead Allies play Krauts in Bryan Singer’s movie, complete with more Briti…

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WikChip Image The real Stauffenberg snaps to for Hi...
The Ritual
Good 17 Points 2017

Bros out hiking in stunning Swedish countryside then gives way to a spooky woods ad mythical creatures causing horror filled stress. This movie kept my attention quite thoroughly and is worth a gander if you are in to the genre.

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Good 66 Points 2010

The French sure know how to concoct clever romantic comedies. If only the execution were up to snuff, Heartbreaker would be a classic of the genre. Oh bien, it screams for an American remake anyway. Hollywood simply has to cast their version better for a monster hit.

Heartbreaker mask…

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WikChip Video Romantic Comedy, French Flair
Good 66 Points 2006

Priceless is an amusing trifle, as notable for its fabulous settings as for its easy charm and light comedy. Audrey Tautou’s gold digger ends up tutoring, and then falling for an unlikely partner in crime. Unfortunately, Priceless never catches fire, though it does deliver several funny mom…

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