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Hamburger Hill
Very Good 17 Points 1987

What makes Hamburger Hill worth watching is that it differentiates itself from the overly produced war movies like Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket and just tells the story of one of the more infamous battles of Vietnam in a straight-up fashion. Just a group of Infantry trying to survive from…

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Memphis Belle
OK 17 Points 1990

A movie that follows the crew of the Memphis Belle — a WWII bomber smack in the middle of the risky allied daytime raids over Germany. There is nothing terribly special about the acting, but nothing terribly bad either. Just ‘Ok’. The story was intriguing — the movie focuses on the events le…

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The Thin Red Line
Great 17 Points 1998

I love war movies, so’The Thin Red Line’ did not dissappoint me. It took too long to get to real action for my taste, and instead spent a good deal of time being melodromatic and ethereal. HOwever, once things got going, it did an amazing job of portraying the realism of the horror and craziness…

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Black Hawk Down
Great 17 Points 2001

A raw depiction of what it was like in Somalia. No glamor here. The peace-keepers had it really rough fighting the entrenched warlords. The movie paints the picture of an American Army facing desperate odds trying to get a job done and saving fallen comrades amidst a whirlwind of violence and may…

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Very Good 17 Points 2004

Its not often you get to see a mainstream actor in a mythic/period piece such as this, and Brad “I will look down upon your corpse and smile” Pitt doesn’t disappoint as the invulnerable Achillies. How cool is watching him take down worthy opponents with deft jumps and swift swings of his sword? …

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The Pacific
Great 17 Points 2010

One thing is for sure: There’s nothing tougher than a WWII South Pacific Jarhead. Spielberg and Hanks do an admirable job creating the Pacific version of ‘Band of Brothers’. The South Pacific version is much grittier and gut-wrenchingly raw. As someone commented in the movie – those Ar…

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Stop Loss
Good 17 Points 2008

Another war movie that tries to impart the senselessness of it all. Similar to some other war movies, this film focuses on the difficult adjustment that soldiers have to make when back from the battlefield. Tortured minds haunted and all that. This time, a band of friends all from the same home-t…

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Good 17 Points 2007

Redacted is filmed in a ‘faux documentary’ style (read: hints of Cloverfield) and focuses on the American occupation in Iraq and an ugly incident in Samara. The movie stands out from otheres of the genre in the way it confrontings the subject in a raw uncut fashion. Certainly De Palma was trying…

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The Big Red One
Good 17 Points 1980

Retro style War movie with a bit of irreverence to make it popular for 1980’s movie goers. It is sure-fire entertainment for war movie buffs, with a subtle sarcasm and left-field humor that gives it a broader appeal. A few deep scenes reminds you that war sometimes has a valid purpose.

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Heartbreak Ridge
Very Good 17 Points 1986

Classic Clint Eastwood in a newer war movie. Old rough-neck Clint deals with his aging demons, cleans up some misfits, and shows us what marines are supposed to do. This film was a little campy at times, but Clint carries it through.

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