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Cidade de Deus
Really Great 7 Points 2002

Having been recommended to watch this film, I finally got around to it, and realise that the praise is appropriate: “City of God” is one of those outstanding movies that most people will never watch, but that should be seen by everyone.

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WikChip Video City of God Trailer
Donnie Brasco
Really Great 83 Points 1997

A must-see for Mafia movie aficionados, Donnie Brasco serves a potent brew of stellar acting, led by Al Pacino and Johnny Depp in a surrogate paternal relationship. The fact that it’s “based on a true story” makes it societally important.

Donnie Brasco (great name, that) misses perfection…

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WikChip Image Depp & Pacino as wiseguys. Fergeddabo...
Really Great 66 Points 2003

A superbly crafted film about a sympathetic sociopath, Monster deserves to be appreciated for much more than Charlize Theron’s Oscar-winning performance as serial killer Aileen Wuornos. For instance, it deftly shows a seamy side of American society, the confounding and sometimes tragic forces …

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WikChip Image Fully Committed: Theron's Wuornos all In
Really Great 9 Points 2003

I sense an elephant in the room…

With Elephhant, director Gus Van Sant creates a surreal, disturbing, and yet still very reallistic world revolving around one school, one day, and many kids. While not any sort of biopic nor factual account, the film explores what might have happened on the d…

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  • BigdaddyDave – Regarding "MJ5K's Review":/movie_reviews/2954-elepha...
  • BrianSez – Regarding "MJ5K's Review":/movie_reviews/2954-elepha...
The Secret in T...
Really Great 66 Points 2010

More than your ordinary police procedural, this affecting Argentine import includes a decidedly grown-up office romance & insight into Perón’s Argentina. Veteran Law & Order director Juan José Campanella deserves his Best Foreign Language Oscar for an &1 if nothing else.1

His film’s two…

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WikChip Video Argentine Law & Order Writ Large
Really Great 83 Points 2011

Where did Drive come from? Under-titled and under-promoted, it seems to have sprang from nowhere. Pity, because it’s an extremely invigorating thriller. It also burnishes Ryan Gosling’s growing legend while establishing Nicolas Winding Refn as a major Hollywood director. Wow.

Few action …

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WikChip Image Hammer in hand, Gosling looks for a n...
Really Great 83 Points 2012

Bernie – the most genuinely funny movie of the year and the most pleasant surprise – mixes amateur townsfolk with big name stars to create an only-in-America story, and a true one at that. Well, truthy.

Assistant funeral home director Bernie Tiede really did murder the richest widow in his …

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WikChip Image Jack Black becomes Bernie Tiede: Oscar!
2 Replies
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  • ira bounds – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Really Great 83 Points 2008

Polish up the acceptance speeches. Changeling deserves a passel of trophies, though Best Picture isn’t one of them. The difficult story – while expertly told – ends up a mildly exhausting slog, one not worth enduring for anyone not wanting to visualize the most elemental of maternal nightmare…

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Really Great 83 Points 2012

Heard of the Bondurant School of Driving? Lawless is the Bondurant school of bootlegging, V8 Fords careening along dirt roads included. Indeed, the story of a legendary family of moonshiners from Western Virginia – the Bondurants – gets a monumental telling in this powerfully assured and ente…

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WikChip Image Guy Pearce's dandy of a villain
1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Infernal Affairs
Really Great 66 Points 2002

Infernal Affairs screams Hong Kong 2002. Movie theaters advertise Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones back in black and Harrison Ford as Capt. Alexei Vostrikov. Within that milieu, Alan Mak & Wai-keung Lau’s blockbuster unspools a cop story of such depth, perfection and tension that Martin Scorsese …

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WikChip Video Rock This
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":