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BrianSez's Review

Created Mar 15, 2008 12:40AM PST • Edited Mar 15, 2008 12:40AM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Really Great 4.5

    This was a fantastic movie. At first it seemed that it would be not much more than a

    detective yarn with a military twist, but it became much more. It exposes the human drama of

    loss, pain, the will and determination to seek truth, how war twists us all, coping,

    just how complicated feelings can get, and that all is not what it seems at first. Tommy Lee Jones is a perfect fit as the role of the weathered but tireless investigative father. Charleze Theron also is a wonderful fit as the sympathetic detective with her own burdens, and Susan Sarandon — although she doesn’t have an ever-present role — also fits perfectly as the pained yet supportive wife. I highly recommend this movie, it was a joy to watch and let become the catalyst for deep thinking about what I saw.

  3. Really Great 4.5
  4. Male Stars Really Great 4.5
  5. Female Stars Really Great 4.5
  6. Female Costars Really Great 4.5
  7. Male Costars Really Great 4.5
  8. Great 4.0
  9. Direction Great 4.0
  10. Play Great 4.0
  11. Music Great 4.0
  12. Visuals Great 4.0
  13. Content
  14. Sordid 3.1
  15. Sex Erotic 3.1
  16. Violence Brutal 3.1
  17. Rudeness Profane 3.1
  18. Glib 1.6
  19. Circumstantial Glib 1.6
  20. Biological Glib 1.6
  21. Physical Glib 1.6


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