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Georgia Rule
Good 3 Points 2007

A tragic film with heart ache and head ache. A disturbing and unusual plot and adverage acting. Some scenes would be shocking enough to make you choke on your popcorn.

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The Darjeeling ...
Good 17 Points 2007

An esoteric and funny journey to India with three neurotic brothers. The all over the place nature of this film is the main source of its humor, and while not-quite LOL, you’ll find yourself chuckling the whole way through. Stick with the ironic, wacky and sarcastic twists and turns, and you will…

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Henry Poole Is ...
Good 17 Points 2008

A subtle dry humor is infused in to this deliberately paced indie drama about a man who wrestles with his changing direction in life. No matter how much Henry wants to be left alone a series of funny and quirky interactions with neighbors keeps him plugged in to humanity. The process he goes th…

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2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2076-he...
  • lmh7709 – Henry Poole is great film if you are looking for a b...
Good 5 Points 1979

The beauty of New York City is captured in this comedy/drama from Woody Allen about a middle-aged writer who is rebounding from a bad marriage by dating a 17 year old, while also dating his friend’s mistress. Accented by the use of black and white filming, the movie exposes the duality of our …

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Bottle Shock
Good 17 Points 2008

Definitely worth your time – especially if you see yourself as a wine fan. This fun and light-hearted movie recounts a famous 1976 blind tasting of wines from California vs. France. It is very interesting to see one take on Napa Valley’s history as well as a taste of the personalities that …

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2073-bo...
The Lucky Ones
Good 17 Points 2008

Both funny and sobering at the same time TLO brings 3 soldiers together for an erratic journey back home. Like many movies of this type, the focus is on the characters and dealing with the stresses life brings. TLO brings its own unique twist by adding many humorous moments. Not the LOL type of …

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Marley & Me
Good 90 Points 2008

Gentle, affecting and amusing. More than a trifle though, given that the movie covers the full measure of Marley’s life, and the impact that he has on the five humans in his family.

Great grown up date movie, especially for dog lovers and/or parents.

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WikChip Image The real Marley on the real book
Funny People
Good 40 Points 2009

Funny times and, well, not so funny times in this movie that centers around a comedian who learns of his terminal illness. At times, LOL moments get you going, but at other times, it seems the producers left too many scenes in… In the end, the movie is engaging and fun, and if you can weather…

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  • MJ5K – Regarding "izzio's Review":/movie_reviews/2135-funny...
My One and Only
Good 17 Points 2009

Anne Deveraux (Renee Zelweger) takes us on a humorous and entertaining road-trip with her very different sons as she seeks a shelter from her stormy life. Starting with the extraction of revenge from the suave and charming but cheating band-leader husband (Kevin Bacon), the story generates smile…

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2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Yeah - one of the twists in the movie is how George'...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2266-my...
Everybody's Fine
Good 17 Points 2009

Robert DeNiro leads us through a family drama that most of us can identify with: the natural drifting away that grown up kids do to their empty nesting parents. Everybody’s Fine does a great job at depicting what it must be like for a lonely dad, but make no mistake – this is a DeNiro take on the…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2837-ev...