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Riding In Cars ...
Barely OK 5 Points 2001

A melodramatic movie about a teenage girl named Beverly (Drew Barrymore) who becomes pregnant. She marries the drug-addicted father of her child and her life is derailed as a result, leaving her yearning for a better life.

Marketed as a comedy/drama, it really plays more like dark humor, with …

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Four Lions
Very Good 5 Points 2010

As a rule, satirical pieces always contain elements of truth. This premise is beautifully portrayed in Four Lions, a humorous film about the unpleasant topic of young men choosing to sacrifice themselves in an attack on “western decadence”.

While the premise of suicide bombing is terrifying …

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I'm Still Here
Pretty Awful 5 Points 2010

Either Joaquin Phoenix is a terrible rapper, or he just created an ill-conceived satiric piece that completely trashes his career and image in the film “I’m Still Here.”

Ostensibly a documentary filmed by his brother-in-law Casey Affleck about Phoenix’s career transformation from actor to rap …

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2 Replies
  • BigdaddyDave – It was sad to see someone with talent acting the foo...
  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":/movie_reviews/303...
Scotland, PA
Good 5 Points 2001

A quirky film that never really seems to rise to it’s full potential, Scotland, PA manages to be entertaining, without taking itself too seriously. Based on William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, about greed, envy and murder, this version is set in a fast-food diner in the 1970’s.

The movie is…

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Very Good 4 Points 2007

This film will mess with your head. be sure to bring a bottle of Aspirin some booze and a mallet to knock some sense back into yourself after you watch it. I was so confused as to what was reality or what was “the movie” being written inside this movie. I’d say Anthony Hopkins did a stand up job …

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Georgia Rule
Good 3 Points 2007

A tragic film with heart ache and head ache. A disturbing and unusual plot and adverage acting. Some scenes would be shocking enough to make you choke on your popcorn.

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Twin Town
Very Good 1 Points 1997

Quirky crime drama that although is certainly watchable, never really has anything to say about it’s desperate characters.

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None Yet 0 Points 2005

worst movie I have ever… I was just wishing that Orlando Bloom’s character would have tried to kill me instead of having to stay in the theater with friends for the time of the movie

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Take Me Home To...
None Yet 0 Points 2011
Another Year
None Yet 0 Points 2010