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The Mummy: Tomb...
Barely OK 3 Points 2008
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The Mummy Returns
Barely OK 66 Points 2001

Oh, wait. This was a movie? Seemed more an FX ride with dialogue. I’m all for silly summer blockbusters, FX heavy and logic lite. But this one is so over-the-top that it’s distancing. Boredom follows quickly. And that’s deadly, no matter how magical the spells it seeks to cast.

The movie …

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WikChip Image Defanging what used to be terrifying.
1 Reply
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Pirates of the ...
Barely OK 77 Points 2011

Slog-a-thon. Johnny Depp, great costars, fabulous visuals: all for naught. The fourth installment of Disney’s thrill ride franchise reinforces much, mostly that more is not more when it’s a mess.

A convoluted plot about the search for the Fountain of Youth scaffolds countless action sequence…

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WikChip Image Tempestuous beauty fails to catch fir...
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "moviedude's Review":http://www.viewguide....
  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":http://www.wikpik....
Oz the Great an...
Barely OK 66 Points 2013

More wimpy than wicked, Oz the Great and Powerful unleashes plenty of sound and fury, signifying nothing more than a reminder that real movie magic doesn’t come from FX. It comes from charm and wit. IOW, this huge production seeks to recreate the timeless magic of The Wizard of Oz….

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WikChip Image Some things can't be improved.
The Mortal Inst...
Barely OK 17 Points 2013

I admit it – I just didn’t get it – but I gave it a chance anyway. This had “budget fantasy” written all over it: Vampires, demons, and a mysterious hunting society that only certain people can see. nonsensical methods of discovery and battle and a massively fabricated love story to bind the two…

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2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Spider-Man 3
Barely OK 70 Points 2007

A tangled web of storylines, inexplicable contrivances and desultory performances mark Spider-Man 3 as the end of the line for the original Spider-Man team. Thus it’s no surprise that the next Spidey movie will feature a new director and new actors.

As for this installment, it’s barely OK f…

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WikChip Image Weak supporting cast weakens Spidey3
2 Replies
  • Wick – I'm with you MJ. Odd and unpromising choice of dire...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2231-spider...
Finding Dory
Barely OK 66 Points 2016

Pixar ain’t what they used to be, their once pristine profile sullied by second-rate fare and poor box office. Finding Dory was supposedly a rare victory for them, derivative sequel though it was. Turns out it’s also second-rate, especially compared to Finding Nemo

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Jason Bourne
Barely OK 66 Points 2016

The only smile triggered by Jason Bourne comes after the very long end credits, where the fine print under a “Green is Universal” logo brags about how this steroidal killfest used Sustainable Filming Practices. So let’s get this straight. After the private jets used by Matt Damon and his large …

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WikChip Image Mighty Matt rocks his upside-down grin.
No Time To Die
Barely OK 66 Points 2021

James Bond is dead, literally and figuratively. Daniel Craig resurrected him better than any actor ever, but has now acquiesced to character suicide in the depressing and desultory No Time To Die. Sorry for the plot spoiler, but a lifetime of rushing to see James Bond movies is now yet one more…

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WikChip Image Ana de Armas dazzled, thankfully
In the Name of ...
Pretty Bad 17 Points 2007

A run-of-the-mill action adventure movie about “Farmer” (Jason Statham) who journeys to rescue his kidnapped wife and seek revenge for the death of his son by the Krugs, a sort of part-animal warrior race. Wait for it on TV when there is nothing else on.

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