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Red Sparrow
Good 17 Points 2018

Good old fashioned US-Russia cold war espionage with an updated twist. I loved the storyline but the implementation was a bit dreary at times, despite having Jennifer Lawrence to look at the whole time.

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Juliet, Naked
Good 66 Points 2018

Charming romcoms that are more intelligent than LOL funny are worth their weight in popcorn. Juliet, Naked is lightly buttered, a fine time at the movies for smart comedy fans as much as for lonely hearts.

An exceptionally strong cast centers on the serene beauty of brainy Rose Byrne, who i…

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WikChip Video Beauty & Two Beasts
Good 125 Points 2009

It’s a big movie with a lot on its mind: Mostly that heroes are often seriously flawed and therefore institutions are intrinsically untrustworthy. But also that five out of six superheros are men, and the token female must dress as a dominatrix – with a bad costume in the case of Watchmen’s Silk…

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WikChip Image Real Watchmen: Superpowers not Superh...
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  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1738-watchm...
  • Spaceghost – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1738-watchm...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1738-watchm...
  • Wick – Regarding "Snackula's Review":/movie_reviews/1734-wa...
Good 139 Points 2006

Highly stylized though affecting movie brings a comik sensibility to an ancient battle. I ended up liking it more than I thought I would, since King Leonidas makes a great hero and his wife a worthy Queen.

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2 Replies
  • Spaceghost – Thank you for the kind words. I'll be honest, thoug...
  • Wick – Wow. Great review Spaceghost! You make such a pass...
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Very Good 66 Points 2009

A sly fox of a movie, more for adults than kids, notwithstanding that it’s from a children’s novel, Fantastic Mr. Fox deftly spins an involving tale from start to finish. Writer-Director Wes Anderson uses stop-action animation to impart a superhero vibe that – together with a considerable amou…

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WikChip Video The trailer conveys the droll charm.
Very Good 66 Points 1963

Paul Newman wanted to be bad and got his wish with Hud. He plays a charismatic asshole, a user and abuser whose evil becomes increasingly evident as the movie rolls along. Three Oscars came in its wake, though King Cool himself had to be satisfied with just a nomination. Think Hud would’ve s…

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WikChip Image His unwanted attention brought her an...
The Town
Very Good 92 Points 2010

The Town – a beefy treat for fans of crime drama from Ben Affleck, now a writer-director-star triple threat. Staying close to his boyhood home, Affleck romanticizes bank robbers from the Irish-American projects adjacent to prosperous Boston. When one of them falls for the manager of a bank th…

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WikChip Image Ultimate Boston Movie: Robbing Fenway...
2 Replies
  • MJ5K – Good point. I forgot about Hollywoodland. Another un...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
True Grit
Very Good 66 Points 1969

Star power in service to a (then) unconventional story makes for a very good movie. A grizzled John Wayne, shiny Glen Campbell and sharp Robert Duvall provide the star power, while a young girl hiring a de facto bounty hunter to track down her father’s killer provides the novel story.


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WikChip Video Yowza, true Western entertainment
Life of Pi
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Portraying religious faith amidst tragic hardship is a lot of weight for a mainstream movie to carry. Fortunately Life of Pi features visual wonders and frequent grace notes to lighten the load, resulting in an exhausting if moving cinematic experience.

The movie is taken from the celebrate…

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WikChip Image Boy, Tiger, Whale: Wondrous
2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Winter's Bone
Very Good 96 Points 2010

Heroism and bravery have a new name, and that name is Ree. Just 17 years old, Ree’s as brave and heroic as any movie hero ever. Played by stellar newcomer Jennifer Lawrence, her quest – Winter’s Bone being a quest movie – is so virtuous and she’s so intrepid, so true, that you know she’s boun…

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WikChip Video "Talking just causes witnesses."
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2935-wi...
  • Wick – Regarding "John A Massie's Review":/movie_reviews/28...