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The Best Exotic...
Very Good 17 Points 2012

Take a colorful cohort of old British retirees, send them to India where they’ve been promised an elegant and beautiful spot to retire, and then make lemonade from lemons. Best Exotic is a cute film, with an endearing quality that kept me (the most avid of action short-attention-span film love…

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2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Yeah - that's a fair assessment
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Paperboy
Barely OK 66 Points 2012

Nicole Kidman’s frisky freak – while very transfixing – doesn’t rescue The Paperboy from decrepitude. It doesn’t help that she’s got a phony Southern accent, one of several in this miserable misfire of a movie.

Charlotte Bless – one of the hottest harlots in cinematic history – has eyes for…

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WikChip Image Does it get any hotter? Hell no!
1 Reply
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Great 66 Points 2012

Thérèse is a great film by the great Claude Miller of the great French novel Thérèse Desqueyroux, 1927. Think of it as Madame Bovary in the pine forests of Southwest France. Only Thérèse barely has sex, let alone affairs. Talk about a banal life. Look at her stunning poster visag…

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WikChip Image Taking in their combined estate.
On The Road
Very Good 66 Points 2013

I read On The Road by 21 because it was necessary. I saw On The Road this weekend to be entertained.

Entertaining it is, though cultural legacy aside, mad words about mad living don’t make a great movie, not without great acting and a cinematic story, neither of which On The Road has….

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WikChip Image Hand Check!
The Great Gatsby
None Yet 0 Points 2013
World War Z
Very Good 83 Points 2013

Beware the Zeeks. Or is it Zekes? Either way, zare’s lots of Zs in WWZ, zousands even, zillions maybe. Zale get you unless Brad Pitt has his way, which he will. He’s Brad Pitt. In turn, he gets your 10 bucks.

Pitt plus a Zillion Zekes zequals Zoutrageous Box Office for World War Z, gu…

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WikChip Image Where DO they get the energy? Darn Zs
2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
The Hunger Game...
Really Great 83 Points 2013

The silver screen has never seen a contemporary ideal the likes of Katniss Everdeen, male or female. Jennifer Lawrence’s rise to superstardom is wrapped up in her personification of this revolutionary hero, this secular Joan of Arc for our post-modern times. J.Law channels J.Arc to become K.E…

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WikChip Image They have relationship issues.
The Family
Very Good 66 Points 2013

Less an LOL comedy than one that keeps you in a semi-sustained semi-grin, The Family has lots to like if not enough to love. Luc Besson’s Mafia satire does score easily and often, with major stars delivering most of its best lines. They each shine brightly, though not in the order you might e…

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WikChip Video Dickhead boys get taught a lesson.
How I Live Now
None Yet 0 Points 2013
Ender's Game
Good 83 Points 2013

Nice try, but Ender’s Game is barely a winner. Perhaps Orson Scott Card was right in saying his lauded SciFi novel is unfilmable.

BrianSez and other fans of Card’s novel and its sequels may like it better than a newbie like me. I ha…

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WikChip Image What's going on in there Ender?