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Only Lovers Lef...
Perfect 66 Points 2013

Brilliant vampire movie, thy name is Only Lovers Left Alive. Literate, laconic and full of lusciously languorous lassitude, it presents as ageless and au courant. Jim Jarmusch’s undead triumph introduces four vampires, though the V word is never used: Adam & Eve, Kit & Ava. Trust me, they …

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WikChip Image Adam & Eve asleep: Tilda & Tom
Captain Phillips
Really Great 83 Points 2013

Tom Hanks has his best role in years as Captain Rich Phillips, yet ends up second banana to the U.S. Navy in general and the SEALs in particular. The combined effect elevates Captain Phillips to true greatness. That it is also the rare history lesson delivered while still current elevates it …

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WikChip Image The real Captain Phillips in the inset
Great 83 Points 2012

Youth is wasted on the young – the saying goes. The same can be said about Chimpanzee. Not that children won’t appreciate it. They’ll love it. It’s just that grownups will appreciate it more, though how many adults without kids in tow deign to see “family” nature documentaries?

Dramatic …

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WikChip Video A Sweet Taste from the Trailer
Safe House
Good 83 Points 2012

Denzel Washington as a badass CIA agent gone rogue is reason enough to watch Safe House. Good thing, since the rest of the movie is just OK: weakly acted aside from the superstar, ridiculously plotted, unconvincingly over-the-top in its action. Plus it’s consumed with a WikiLeak-like passion …

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WikChip Image Summa Cum Laude Movie-star Charisma
The Last Lions
Really Great 66 Points 2011

Perhaps the most incredible nature documentary ever, The Last Lions features individualized lions and buffaloes engaged in an intricate plot worthy of scripted drama. It also provides unprecedented intimacy with the King of Beasts, making it breathtaking entertainment and potent political motiv…

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WikChip Video Chills from this awesome documentary.
African Cats
Good 66 Points 2011

Billed as a warm and fuzzy Disney Nature adventure, African Cats instead is a hair-raising, heartrending drama. It profiles two families, a cheetah and her cubs, and a lioness and her cub, each of which is in mortal danger for nearly the entire movie.

There’s nothing necessarily wrong with …

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WikChip Video Be warned: Tougher than usual Disney ...
Machine Gun Pre...
Very Good 83 Points 2011

Two movies in one – the demented story of a badass junkie and the inspiring story of an avenging angel. Both are about the same guy, Sam Childers, an American biker who has saved and continues to save hundreds of otherwise doomed Sudanese kids. As a kickass movie about a real guy trying to stop…

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WikChip Image Boy finds his man. Man finds his call...
3 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Good 66 Points 2010

The French sure know how to concoct clever romantic comedies. If only the execution were up to snuff, Heartbreaker would be a classic of the genre. Oh bien, it screams for an American remake anyway. Hollywood simply has to cast their version better for a monster hit.

Heartbreaker mask…

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WikChip Video Romantic Comedy, French Flair
Very Good 83 Points 2009

This magnificent political biography also happens to be a very good movie. Not a great movie, but a great and important story, well told and even better acted by its two leads. Lessons in history and leadership should all be so charismatic.

The movie has rhythms and totems unfamiliar to Amer…

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WikChip Image American superstars as African heroes
Blood Diamond
Very Good 66 Points 2006

Terrific movie that works primarily as a classic Hollywood action drama, yet also delivers a lesson about recent evil in the real world. Thankfully, the preaching rarely supersedes the story, making this a message movie that keeps its priorities straight: entertain us and the message will be eas…

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