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Great 83 Points 2011

The slang for corporate recruiter once connoted a frisson of danger. Then “Headhunter” lost its edge. Headhunters returns it and then some. An insanely funny thriller, it rivals fellow Scandinavian noir classic Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

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WikChip Image This doesn't end well.
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Tower Heist
OK 71 Points 2011

Not especially funny or thrilling, Tower Heist does offer a proven cast of name actors and a topical story. In fairness, I viewed it on an airliner seatback screen. While seeing it in the theater is no longer an option, viewing it on a big flatscreen in a home theater may have stimulated a hi…

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WikChip Image More Murphy please, at least in this ...
Despicable Me
Good 12 Points 2010

Such a cute damn movie. Could have been more – mostly in the humor department – but as it was, it was very entertaining with a great heart. Despicable Me centers around Gru – a supervillain who is being upstaged by a newcomer, so he sets out to complete the ultimate heist. He’s going to steal …

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The Bank Job
Very Good 83 Points 2008

A quality caper movie based on a still murky true story from the early 1970s, The Bank Job efficiently entertains with a combination of larcenous derring-do and salacious scandal. Engagingly performed by Jason Statham, Saffron Burrows and a crew of quality character actors, the movie judicious…

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Before the Devi...
Very Good 88 Points 2007

This engrossing and cleverly constructed family/heist picture features a host of great performers in front of the camera and the estimable Sidney Lumet behind it. The movie effectively flashes back and forth in time, showing how a couple of ne’er-do-well brothers ensnare everyone around them in …

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Good 17 Points 2007

This movie was entertaining and engaging, albeit a bit humdrum for the likes of Micheal Caine and Demi Moore. Caine fits as a loveable but cunning older janitor with a great idea, and Demi plays a professionally passed-over and now disgruntled negotiator at a London Diamond dealer. A fairly simpl…

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Art Heist
None Yet 0 Points 2004
The Italian Job
Really Great 1 Points 2003

This is definitely a great Heist movie that was done so cleverly and brilliant. The acting the action, it was done very well.

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None Yet 0 Points 2001
Great 66 Points 1998

Sure bets usually aren’t. For those of us who like casinos and crime movies however, Croupier is a lock. With all due respect to Martin Scorsese, it arguably tops his Casino as the quintessential casino movie.

It centers on a croupier (_de…

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