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Terminator Salv...
Very Good 87 Points 2009

A seriously cheesy course in death and dying delivered in High Comik style, TS operates as a hard slog through one well done set piece after another. This becomes rather turgid after a while, though the steel gray visuals remain mordantly engaging. Fortunately there are no gray ladies in the …

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WikChip Image A real A-10 Warthog takes out a tank
5 Replies
  • MJ5K – Thnx Wik.
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
  • MJ5K – Hell, I thought Worthington was the most overrated p...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1851-termin...
Terminator Genisys
None Yet 0 Points 2015

After a 12 year hiatus from Terminator, Arnold is back…but maybe he should’ve stayed gone.

We all knew this was bound the happen in the Terminator films. We’ve reached the point in the timeline when the Resistance sends back Kyle Reese to intercept Skynet’s T-800 in 1984 Los Angeles which, …

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WikChip Image Good to see the T-1000 back. Get it? ...
Terminator 3
OK 9 Points 2003

Released 11 years after the monster success of Terminator 2, this third chapter in the legendary franchise suffers from the absence of visionary director James Cameron and star Linda Hamilton.
After supposedly stopping Judgment Day, John Connor lives a life on the road wi…

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Terminator 2: J...
Perfect 11 Points 1991

This is, in my opinion, possibly the greatest sequel ever made. Its a sequel that completely blows the original right the hell away. Its one of my favorite movies of all time and one I could watch 10 times in one week and never get sick of it. Twice the action, twice the special effects, and ’bou…

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OK 17 Points 2018

Crazy dude who is in to robots and AI tries to use people as a data source. He captures a cute chick and gets more than he bargained for. Let’s just say that the “Hal” of this movie is the most interesting character.

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None Yet 0 Points 2009
Super 8
Really Great 83 Points 2011

Spielbergian indeed — middle school kids running their own show, parents stricken with tragedy, lots of bike riding, police cruisers and one big honking Air Force train in one hell of a crash.

Cincinnati, we’ve got a problem.

And America’s got a really great summer blockbuster. Set in mid…

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WikChip Image The Older Sister: Amanda Michalka
Pretty Bad 17 Points 2007

A tedious story that follows a group of young astronauts who try to save us by attempting to re-ignite the dying sun. This movie was a copy-cat collage of all previous science fiction epics — except it did a only an ok job of keeping things interesting and a poor job of exhibiting anything unique.

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Starship Troope...
None Yet Points 2008
Starship Troopers
None Yet 0 Points 1997

This is a true sci-fi action gem. The films seems to flow naturally and isn’t rushed like many science fiction action movies. Characters are well developed and the story is not transparent. I didn’t know what to expect the first time I watched it, I was impressed and left feeling satisfied.

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