Created Aug 28, 2009 11:18PM PST • Edited Aug 28, 2009 11:18PM PST
Perfect 5.0
This is, in my opinion, possibly the greatest sequel ever made. Its a sequel that completely blows the original right the hell away. Its one of my favorite movies of all time and one I could watch 10 times in one week and never get sick of it. Twice the action, twice the special effects, and ’bout twenty times the budget of the first film. This film spawned a huge pop culture phenomenon bigger than the first film.
Judgment day is right up the road. Sarah Conner is sitting in a mental institution and her son John is in danger. Two terminators have been sent back in time. One, a traditional model to protect John. The other, a more advanced machine that will stop at nothing to destroy him. The good Terminator serves as a father figure to the young boy while the boy teaches the machine everything he knows. As they try to thwart Skynet and stop the future takeover, the evil T-1000 is hot on their trail. The only question is… Who will win?
Perfect 5.0
Edward Furlong is easily the best actor to ever portray John Connor. Arnie is appropriately robotic and monotone as the main robot. Linda Hamilton continues to kick ass as Sarah Conner. And Robert Patrick’s T-1000 is easily one of the best villains to ever hit the silver screen.
Male Stars Perfect 5.0
Female Stars Perfect 5.0
Female Costars Perfect 5.0
Male Costars Perfect 5.0
Perfect 5.0
The special effects are absolutely stunning. The dialogue is pretty well written and has some very powerful moments full of depth. The score is just as amazing as it was in the first film.
Direction Perfect 5.0
Play Perfect 5.0
Music Perfect 5.0
Visuals Perfect 5.0
Sordid 3.1
Some naughty sexual moments, hard hitting action and violence, and the language is definitely the type the kids shouldn’t hear.
Sex Titillating 2.0
Violence Savage 4.0
Rudeness Profane 3.3
Fantasy 5.0
Its sci-fi, get over it.
Circumstantial Fantasy 5.0
Biological Fantasy 5.0
Physical Fantasy 5.0
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- MJ5K
- 9 Trust Points
- 129 Reviews
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