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Win Win
Really Great 88 Points 2011

Win Win has become such a cliche, yet is anything but in the entirely winning movie of that title. Cleverly mining today’s uneven economy, the uneasy equality of modern marriages, the unjust world of neglected kids, and not least, the under-appreciated sport of high school wrestling, Win Win

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WikChip Video Who says meaningful auteur cinema is ...
Good 66 Points 2010

The French sure know how to concoct clever romantic comedies. If only the execution were up to snuff, Heartbreaker would be a classic of the genre. Oh bien, it screams for an American remake anyway. Hollywood simply has to cast their version better for a monster hit.

Heartbreaker mask…

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WikChip Video Romantic Comedy, French Flair
The King's Speech
Perfect 88 Points 2010

Who knew? The Brits no doubt, but we Yanks were unaware of the stammering tribulations that the current Queen Elizabeth’s father endured, let alone that England’s fortitude in World War II required him to overcome them. Most impressively, who would have guessed that this true story would make s…

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WikChip Video Brilliant and brilliantly entertaining.
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":/movie_reviews/296...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2944-th...
Sunshine Cleaning
Very Good 83 Points 2008

A quality date movie for grownups, Sunshine Cleaning shares more than just an ironically radiant title with 2006’s Little Miss Sunshine. Both are about overcoming failed dreams, not to mention both feature Alan Arkin as a kooky grandfather. While this year’s model doesn’t reach the inspired…

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Mamma Mia!
Very Good 66 Points 2008

No one ever mistook me for a fan of Abba, nor am I the correct gender to crave a big fat musical set in Greece. Still, I have to admit that this ideal date movie is loads of fun. A great cast, terrific songs, idyllic settings, and a surprisingly engaging story make this pop confection worth see…

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The Curious Cas...
Great 83 Points 2008

Literature hits the silver screen in this big budget movie that works as both romance and parable. More personal though less interesting than Forrest Gump, its closest cinematic relative, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button nonetheless deliv…

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WikChip Image “You never know what’s coming for...
Feast of Love
Very Good 87 Points 2007

Fifteen years after Sleepless in Seattle, Feast of Love offers Pairing in Portland, a cinematic soap opera full of smiles, bits of sadness and wisdom, and attractive couples in love. While lite, it is entertaining.

Emotional Scores

  • You’ll laugh – 3.5 beams
  • You’ll cry – 3 beams
  • Yo…
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Sydney White
Great 66 Points 2007

Girl gets guy in Sydney White, an entirely winning collegiate comedy starring the entirely winsome Amanda Bynes as Sydney White. Focusing on a coed, partially set in a sorority, it provides a cheekily distaff view of campus life – on and off Greek Row.

Indeed, Joe Nussbaum’s film catalogs c…

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WikChip Image Opposing Angels in a Collegiate Dream
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Really Great 83 Points 2005

Moviestar movies get no better than this one. Super hot, totally cold and dead-bang funny, this huge hit could have been overwhelmed by the fusion of its soon-to-be-coupled stars. Instead Brangelina’s debut perfectly serves the power-couple satire, even more so in hindsight given how their real…

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WikChip Image Moviestar Chemistry Incarnate
3 Replies
  • Wick – She's so fine she blows my mind. If you hate the mo...
  • MJ5K – But I gotta give it credit where credit is due, Ange...
  • MJ5K – Ugh, I hate this movie. Brad Pitt's an on again, off...
Eternal Sunshin...
Great 80 Points 2004

Few love stories are so exquisitely tortured as the one in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. Jim Carrey’s sad sack wants to forget his quirky lover, played winningly by Kate Winslet. Turns out there is a quack who offers a mind-wash. Perfect!

Except it’s not.

However it does set u…

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WikChip Image Have we met?
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...