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Great 1 Points 1987

Based on E.M. Forster’s novel of “the love that dare not speak its name” , MAURICE follows the relationship between two men who meet at Cambrige University in Edwardian England, and their exploration of homosexual love in a time when being gay was a crime punishable by a strict penile code that …

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WikChip Video MAURICE -1987
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  • Wick – Regarding "Zimmerview's Review":http://www.viewguide...
Great 17 Points 2006

Poor Ben gets dumped by his girlfriend in Art College. How did you react to breakups? Ben gets severe insomnia and takes a late shift job at a supermarket. What ensues after that is an enticing and dreamy soujourn in goofy and surreal sequences involving art, lots of women, adolescent humor, and…

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The Railway Man
Great 83 Points 2013

Adult date night movies get no more surefire than The Railway Man. It starts with Nicole Kidman falling in love with Colin Firth on a train. He is – after all – the Railway Man. The pathos comes later, when we encounter the hell that Eric Lomax underwent as a POW, slave laborer for the infam…

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WikChip Video Nicole Kidman on meeting Patti Lomax
Kingsman: The S...
Great 83 Points 2014

The same brilliant, depraved and amoral crew who brought us Kick-Ass have now delivered Kingsman: The Secret Service, another comic take on a well-trod movie topic. James Bond movies are the inspiration this time. The result is tremendously entertaining, albeit as sordid as it is sleek. And i…

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WikChip Video Samuel L. Jackson talks Evil Genius
Great 66 Points 1964

Burton and O’Toole grandly declaim in Becket, a big historical drama and big hit from 1964. Two leading-men of the old school variety, with big voices, they’re more than capable of extreme declamation in a love story between two men – unrequited. The bromance ended badly after Burton’s great ma…

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WikChip Image King & Wingman, before it all went bad
The Legend of T...
Great 83 Points 2016

The Legend of Tarzan is a ton of fun, notwithstanding being leavened by some seriously nasty business. How much fun? Most everyone around me were laughing and cheering by the third reel. One girl took to throwing her arms in the air at each thrilling turn. In the end, the entire theater applaud…

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WikChip Video Dishing about Jane's sex with Tarzan
Their Finest
Great 66 Points 2016

Their Finest is an exceptionally fine movie, a post-modern take on the decidedly earnest Greatest Generation, British variety. Unfortunately, it takes exceptional effort to find a theater where it’s playing.

Speaking of exceptional, Gemma Arterton, Sam Clafin and Bill Nighy are exceptionally…

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WikChip Video Bill Nighy steals the show as a minor...
Great 105 Points 2007

Hardly a chick flick, though focused predominantly on a doomed love affair and populated largely by talkative females, Atonement delivers its real wallop when it goes to war, offering a stunning battle scene not out of place in the first rank of war movies.

A legitimate Best Picture candidat…

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  • Demona – that was a great way to identify the film to everyon...
The Queen
Great 17 Points 2006

The Queen is a showcase of Helen Mirren’s acting prowess. The main story takes place during the time surrounding Diana’s death and the disdain of the royal family (except Charles) in being forced to deal with the ex-Royal. This turns out to be a terrific venue to showcase the queen’s stiff yet …

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Darkest Hour
Great 83 Points 2017

Instead of The King’s Speech, Darkest Hour is The Prime Minister’s Speeches, Churchill’s speeches at the outset of WWII. It fixates on Sir Winston’s galvanizing addresses to Parliament and the British people during the darkest hour for the UK, and for all of civilization. His words ignited …

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WikChip Video Even the trailer is stirring!