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Great 66 Points 1959

More than just the chariot race, Ben-Hur virtually defines big screen epic. At three and a half hours, it’s a lot of movie, full of bravura performances, grand visuals, and tasteful religious symbolism. One of only three movies to win 11 Oscars,1 it deserves the acclaim that accompanies the…

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WikChip Image Ben-Hur: This, in widescreen Technico...
The Way Back
Good 29 Points 2011

A dramatic survival story amidst panoramic and equally dramatic scenery. The Way Back tells a tale of several men who escape the brutality of a Siberian gulag in the early 40’s to trudge their way through vast expanses of differing landscapes: a fierce Siberian winter, forests, tundra, desert,…

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Rescue Dawn
Really Great 29 Points 2006

Christian Bale stars in a “McGuyver meets Stalag 13” film about a US Figher pilot shot down in Laos during the Vietnam war. Filled with plenty of action and a fairly deep study of character and strength you will find yourself engrossed in all the phases from capture, comraderie, and escape.

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  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Good 20 Points 2013

Ashton Kutcher leads an impressive cast to tell the story of an impressive Steve Jobs. Those of us who hail from Silicon Valley have heard it all before – yet we all yearn to get closer to the real man behind the stories. Jobs gets us one step closer to his hippie and maniacal past, is brillian…

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The Last Emperor
Very Good 17 Points 1987

This history of Pu Yi – the last emperor of China is quite the epic. Chinese history is not well known to most, never mind the complicated transition from Empire, to Nationalism, to Japan domination, and finally to communism. Pu Yi was born in to emperor-hood, was ousted by chiang kai shek, cozie…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Jarhead 2: Fiel...
OK 17 Points 2014

Standard war movie fare:  A small group of jarheads against all odds, survive against the Taliban while carrying out an unlikely mission of having to rescue a local female political hero. Decent (albeit mindless) shoot-em-up entertainment is sometimes just what the Dr. ordered for war movie buffs.

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Sand Castle
OK 17 Points 2017

Decent, albeit run-of-the-mill war movie set in Iraq. You’ll get the requisite hard fighting action and the tough staff sergeant, and the film does a good job highlighting the turnaround and eventual wisdom from a reluctant soldier. If you are a war movie lover, it won’t be a waste of time. If no…

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The Best Exotic...
Very Good 17 Points 2012

Take a colorful cohort of old British retirees, send them to India where they’ve been promised an elegant and beautiful spot to retire, and then make lemonade from lemons. Best Exotic is a cute film, with an endearing quality that kept me (the most avid of action short-attention-span film love…

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  • BrianSez – Yeah - that's a fair assessment
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Jungle Book
Great 17 Points 2016

Now that my kids are grown, I don’t see many Disney movies, never mind re-makes of classics. In this case, I’m glad I decided to heed my whimsical choice. The Jungle Book was really well done, and John Favreau’s use of famous actors’ voices was spectacular. My favorite? Christopher Walkin as Kin…

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Seal Team 6: Th...
Pretty Bad 17 Points 2012

The movie is an interesting ‘pat ourselves on the back’ action film focusing on the team that got “Geronimo”. Unfortunately, it was pretty badly done, from the lackluster acting, to the haphazard story buildup. The best part was the action sequences of the raid itself, but even that was s…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...