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28 Weeks Later
Really Great 7 Points 2007

Shockingly enough, a great sequel to my favorite not-zombie movie. This one definitely goes bigger, dealing with the early stages of Britain’s repopulation after the Rage virus is supposedly decimated, although no chances are taken and American soldi…(read more)ers man every corner. The plot co…

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100 Tears
Really Great 3 Points 2007
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Really Great 16 Points 2004

Out of all of the 6 (and soon to be 7) Saw movies out there, this is the best, and trust me, I’ve seen them all. Since each one isn’t worth its own review, I talk briefly about each one here, then review Saw as a stand alone film. The whole series starts with a killer named Jigsaw, who puts peopl…

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The Evil Dead
Really Great 14 Points 1981

Sam Raimi has extablished himself himself as one of the most respected directors in Hollywood with his work on the Spider Man trilology. Whats sad is that people forget about where it all began. Sam Raimi was born to direct horror, and films like The Evil Dead prove it.

The story centers on a…

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Really Great 10 Points 2006

This is one of the strongest of the series (best goes to VI) because of its endless twists and turns. It is also the goriest of the series (limbs being twisted, rib cages being opened, ect…). A lot of people argue that this should have been the end to the whole franchise, but of course, with th…

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The Exorcist
Really Great 7 Points 1973

Chilling, exploitative horror at its best, The Exorcist grips and disgusts in equal measure, and is an enthralling horror experience.

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WikChip Video The Exorcist Trailer
Really Great 7 Points 2001

One of my favourite horror sequals. Though it doesn’t live up to the origional, it is quite a wonderful movie. Anthony Hopkins makes a triumphant return as Hannible, great chills, great suspense, and “the brain scene” :)

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WikChip Video Great trailer for this film!
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My Little Eye
Really Great 10 Points 2002

My Little Eye is yet another horror movie that went through releasing hell. Originally four hours long, the movie was received horribly by critics. The movie was then completely forgotten after 9/11. So it was another lost straight-to-dvd movie. This one, like Trick ’r Treat, is fantastic. First …

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The Spiral Stai...
Really Great 10 Points 1945

This by far is my favorite black and white horror film. The Spiral Staircase is about a mute woman named Helen Capel. (Dorothy McGuire) There is a killer on the loose that kills people with disabilites such as Helen’s. If theres a killer stalking her, how does she call for help? What I love about…

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Really Great 10 Points 2011

There’s no denying- this movie is terrifying. Watching it late at night does nothing good for your mind, as I’ve unfortunately learned. Insidious is a daring and different take on possession and haunted house movies. I’d say this is the baby of The Exorcist and Poltergeist. Now, as great as the m…

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