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Cannibal Holocaust
None Yet Points 1980
Motel Hell
Great 16 Points 1980

Farmer Vincent (Calhoun) owns his own farm out in the country. He butchers meat as well. This meat is thought of as the best there is. It is only administered to those who live in the area though. This is because he has a limited amount of meat. What most people don’t know though is that this m…

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Zombi Holocaust
None Yet 0 Points 1980
Friday The 13th
Very Good 19 Points 1980

Friday the 13th is one of those way overrated 80s horror flicks that is just plain boring. The whole movie consists of a bunch of characters at a camp, and pretty much all they do is look for the killer in between death scenes, and trust me, those death scenes were pretty cool. But it’s just nega…

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The Shining
Really Great 6 Points 1980

Close to being perfect, the greatest Horror film of All Time.

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WikChip Video The Full Review
None Yet 0 Points 1979

Don Coscarelli delivers to us his greatest creation with the eerie fantastical thriller, Phantasm.

The residents of a small town have begun dying under strange circumstances, leading young Mike (Michael Baldwin) to investigate. After discovering that the Tall Man (Angus Scrimm), the town’s mor…

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WikChip Video Original 1979 trailer
Nosferatu: Phan...
None Yet 0 Points 1979
Zombi 2
None Yet 0 Points 1979
The Amityville ...
Great 10 Points 1979

This is a fantastic 70’s horror film that doesn’t go over the top with gore and violence. In fact, there’s hardly any gore in this movie at all. A lot of people didn’t like this movie whether it be because of the lack of character development or an unpleasing ending. But I loved this movie, and i…

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Dawn of the Dead
Really Great 13 Points 1978

Perfect execpt for the scene where a group of people have a piefight with the zombies.

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