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22 July
Great 17 Points 2018

This emotional look at the tragic events outside Oslo brings up many difficult subjects. Mass murder, extremism, socio-cultural dealings with all of it and a unique and unforgettable glimpse in to the hearts of the Norwegian people. Not to be missed.

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The Last King
Good 17 Points 2016

Inspired by a true story that harkens back to 1204 Norway, things were tense and back and forth fighting with Norway ruled the day. Just a sliver in time that represented a hair more sophistication than nomads fighting each other.

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April 9th
OK 17 Points 2015

Bicycle troops against invading Germans? The equipment, including the machine guns mounted to motorcycle side cars seemed comically inadequate. It’s easy to make fun of the circumstances, but apparently this is a serious tale of bravery and heroism to the Danes.

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The Front Runner
Very Good 17 Points 2018

Hugh Jackman stars in the tale of Gary Hart’s campaign in 1988 and the ensuing scandal. Was this the beginning of the day s where private life started to affect public votes? The movie makes it seem more about the breakdown of journalistic focus than a comment about morality.

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Good 17 Points 1991

Oliver stone directs Kevin Costner and an all star cast in the ultimate whodunnit: JFK. With an abundance of flair, one definitely is left questioning everything.

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Cold Mountain
Great 17 Points 2003

I loved the human-interest slant on this tale of the Civil War. Jude Law’s undying love for Kidman draws him back to her despite the risk of being a deserter towards the end of the war. The story is engaging, and the cast is top notch. Zellweger is not quite believable as a hardened southern gal…

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Schindler's List
Perfect 21 Points 1993

Spielberg’s incredibly impactful and cinematic re-telling of arguably the darkest period in human history won’t soon be forgotten. If you weren’t already shocked by the history of Nazism, this movie will bring it home to you with images from the Warsaw Ghetto, Auschwitz, survival and crazed blind…

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4 Replies
  • MJ5K – Easily the best holocaust movie. And I agree with FA...
  • Fire at Will! – It's a fantastic movie - and yes, the best Holocaust...
  • Wick – I agree that it is the Best Holocaust movie.
  • Wolfman898 – Best Movie ever made.
Great 22 Points 1995

A Mel Gibson classic man-movie about William Wallace – the Scottish hero. This film addresses all of your man-movie needs including: A period history with its simple to understand plot, Beautiful women that inspire bravery and revenge, Testosterone laden homeland pride, Swordplay and strength tha…

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The Last Tempta...
Really Great 28 Points 1988

Scorcese deviates from the scriptures in this exploration in to the tale of Jesus, played magnificently by William Dafoe. Dramatic, epic, and done with great cinematic flair, this movie is sure to remain in the record books as an all time great.

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United 93
Perfect 29 Points 2006

United 93 takes place the day a tragedy occurred, September 11, 2001. It seems like a normal day to everyone. No one has any idea how big of an impact this day will have. At first everything goes as scheduled through the airlines. However, those who monitor the airplanes do become suspicious. The…

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