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The Boy in the ...
Very Good 84 Points 2008

Well intentioned gimmick story shows the absurdity – and horror – of the Holocaust through a child’s eyes, and through the eyes of his Nazi family. It’s all here: children’s ghoulish indoctrination into anti-Semitism; “good” Germans quietly objecting to Nazi evil, though not bringing themselves …

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WikChip Image Real concentration camp kids.
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  • davidmfishman – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1709-the-bo...
The Sound of Music
Great 23 Points 1965

The Sound of Music is one of those iconic films that everyone should see. Perhaps for some, it will entail some suffering through 60’s era cliches and life-glossed-over portrayals, but it does entertain. Julie Andrews was in her prime and Christopher Plummer is the happiest you’ll ever see of h…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Captain America...
Great 88 Points 2011

Popcorn movies should all be this strong. Channeling Indiana Jones’ 1940s movie tropes, Marvel’s First Avenger proves engaging from the outset, exciting from the middle and exhilarating to the end.

Notwithstanding a pair of underwhelming leads, the overall strong cast, irony-free patriotism …

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WikChip Image Devastating parody of Nazi racial ins...
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Great 83 Points 1970

Essential though Patton may be – as war movie, as American history, as biopic – it’s not the epochal statement the Academy thought they were canonizing with seven Oscars in 1971, including Best Picture. Back then Frances Ford Coppola’s script seemed subversive, undermining American militarism …

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WikChip Image If I had my way, I'd meet Rommel F2F.
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The Pacific
Great 17 Points 2010

One thing is for sure: There’s nothing tougher than a WWII South Pacific Jarhead. Spielberg and Hanks do an admirable job creating the Pacific version of ‘Band of Brothers’. The South Pacific version is much grittier and gut-wrenchingly raw. As someone commented in the movie – those Ar…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2948-th...
Fire on the Mou...
Great 83 Points 1996

Wow. Not many movies peg the meter in terms of skiing, mountaineering, WWII and contemporary history. This documentary does.

A great lens into the Greatest Generation, Fire on the Mountain explores the exploits of the legendary 10th Mountain Division

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WikChip Video Not the best excerpt. Amazing noneth...
3 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2939-fi...
  • Wick – Yeah, I stumbled on it last night looking for a "Jan...
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2937-fire-o...
Great 83 Points 2016

Casablanca it’s not, but Allied is a damn good romantic thriller set in WWII Casablanca, or at least initially set there. Most of the movie then takes place in London during the blitz, with Brad Pitt’s proto-007 thrust into domestic espionage against his wife, played by Marion Cotillard. It’s…

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WikChip Video Brad, Marion & Zemeckis talk Allied
Ip Man
Great 83 Points 2008

This great martial arts movie follows the beats and tropes of fictional king fu movies while burnishing the legend of Ip Man, a real life Grandmaster of Wing Chun kung fu and Bruce Lee’s teacher. The scene of an unarmed Master Ip facing down an armed Police Captain is a classic of the form.


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WikChip Image Ip Man amid the Japanese occupation
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Railway Man
Great 83 Points 2013

Adult date night movies get no more surefire than The Railway Man. It starts with Nicole Kidman falling in love with Colin Firth on a train. He is – after all – the Railway Man. The pathos comes later, when we encounter the hell that Eric Lomax underwent as a POW, slave laborer for the infam…

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WikChip Video Nicole Kidman on meeting Patti Lomax
Pearl Harbor
Great 6 Points 2001

Quite a riveting tale of a love triangle and the devastating attack that left our nation at a loss for words.

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