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Birdmen: The Or...
Really Great 17 Points 2012

I’ve done some crazy stuff in my younger years, including hang gliding, but these guys have the biggest ‘cohones’ that I’ve ever seen. Making plans to step off a cliff, zoom past a rapidly approaching hillside, and judging when to pull the chute. An amazing thing to see. In Birdmen, you’ll lea…

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We Could Be King
Great 17 Points 2014

This is probably one of the best football documentaries I have seen. It blends all the best about sports movies: come from behind, face adversity, and overcome with the reality of being a true story. Immerse yourself in the world of Philly’s Martin Luther King High School Cougars. You will g…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Brothers in War
Great 17 Points 2014

The latest (that I’ve seen) in a vast library of Vietnam documentaries, Brothers follows the lives of members of the 9th Infantry Division from Ft. Riley. This was one of the last big units to be sent. At a time when things were supposed to be winding down, it was clear that on the ground, thin…

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The Hornet's Nest
Very Good 17 Points 2014

Gritty, stressful, and suspenseful documentary of life in Afghanistan’s war zones. Well aided by dramatic narrative, shooting, and even music added to the suspense. But possibly the most impactful part of the movie is the closeness to the action that the father and son reporters were: down to …

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Above and Beyond
Very Good 17 Points 2014

A very good story about WW II pilot volunteers to fight in Israel’s ‘Machal’ in its war for independence. This is as much a story about the history of the state of Israel as it is the Israeli air-force and the foreign volunteers that made it happen. Very interesting, including the creative and…

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1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The King of Kong
Good 17 Points 2007

While not a great movie, the fun-poking at geeky 70’s arcade game players was hard to resist. Lots of chuckles at characters that probably existed when you and your acne was playing Pac Man or Donkey Kong at the arcade. Even more funny is the look at the ultra-geeks who get sucked back in when t…

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2 Replies
  • Felix – Thank you Brian! Hope you enjoy all the 8-bit quirk...
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Felix's Review":
The White Helmets
Great 17 Points 2016

This short documentary about volunteer rescue workers in Syria was incredible. The true definition of selfless. Being a first responder in a war-torn 3rd world nation is bad enough. And to be an out-of-work volunteer that simply wants to save lives? That’s the definition of heroism. The reall…

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Citizen Soldier
Good 17 Points 2016

This film, constructed with POV filming from helmet cams and interviews follows the Oklahoma national guard (whic- only trains 39 days a year) as they are sent to Afghanistan on a village clearing mission. This is not your typical documentary. In the spirit of Restrepo (but more subdued), the fi…

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Peninsula Mitre
Great 17 Points 2016

Documents an adventurous 53 day journey by the Azulay brothers to the south Argentinian Cape San Diego. Beautiful cinematography of stunning landscapes – all to the musical backdrop of the singing of the Azulay’s new friend Pedro – a local who preserves the story the old fashioned way. I almost…

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Bonnie & Clyde
OK 17 Points 2013

The infamous duo is acted well by Emile Hirsh and Holliday Grainger in this TV miniseries re-cast as a movie on Netflix. But the goodness ends there. The story is embellished to the point of silliness. Stick with the Warren Beatty classic instead.

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