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Jackie Brown
Really Great 66 Points 1997

Lesser Tarantino but accomplished Tarantino still, Jackie Brown sports a full house of his filmic qualities. Half a dozen stars unspool a cockamamie but coherent story over 2½ hours, complete with bad guys taking each other out, sudden ends and funny surprises. Then there’s the down and dirty…

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WikChip Image Now that's a cast!
Out of Sight
Really Great 66 Points 1998
Out of Sight and into the pantheon of crime-comedies – start with Stephen Soderburgh directing George Clooney in an Elmore Leonard story. Speaking of gorgeous, J-Lo gets into the trunk with G-Cloo.

Other positives: Bright bluesy opening; Danny DeVito’s Jersey Films producing; Clooney, youn…

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WikChip Image Trunk Spooning: Meet Cute Classic
Midnight Express
Really Great 17 Points 1978

An intense movie that will raise your heartbeat and keep it there through the film. I’ve never been a smuggler — but the heart-pounding sequence at the beginning of the movie really get to me. The brutality and craziness of the Turkish prison experience dropped my jaw and kept it there for pret…

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In the Valley o...
Really Great 17 Points 2007

This was a fantastic movie. At first it seemed that it would be not much more than a

detective yarn with a military twist, but it became much more. It exposes the human drama of

loss, pain, the will and determination to seek truth, how war twists us all, coping,

just how complicated …

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Fast & Furious 6
Really Great 5 Points 2013

I’m not going to make TOO many fast and furious jokes revolving around car puns because as a review thats…oh my gosh I almost said “cruise control”? ick. the reason is because this franchise has went from taking the “easy route” to becoming something wholly original and may be the only superh…

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Black Widow
Really Great 66 Points 1987

Genre movies get no better than Black Widow, a noirish crime drama that delivers just what its title promises. A stunning woman seduces rich men to marry her, kills them, absconds with their fortunes and finds her next mark. You hardly want her caught, especially if you’re a guy and she’s not…

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WikChip Image Black Widow in Bridal Mode
Captain Phillips
Really Great 83 Points 2013

Tom Hanks has his best role in years as Captain Rich Phillips, yet ends up second banana to the U.S. Navy in general and the SEALs in particular. The combined effect elevates Captain Phillips to true greatness. That it is also the rare history lesson delivered while still current elevates it …

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WikChip Image The real Captain Phillips in the inset
Tell No One
Really Great 66 Points 2006

This terrific thriller is slyly engaging at the outset, then tremendously tense and intriguing for the duration, the sort of movie that has you intensely talking about it – working through the twists and turns – after leaving the theater.

French heartthrob Guillaume Canet is to be commended fo…

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22 Jump Street
Really Great 83 Points 2014

“Sequels Suck” doesn’t seem operative given how terrific 22 Jump Street is. This one literally jumps off from where its great origin movie ended. Ignore it? Hell, no. #22JumpSt cheekily imagines itself the next episode of the Jump Street serie…

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WikChip Video Green Band Trailer Lays It Down
Really Great 83 Points 2014

Nightcrawler is L.A.‘s Taxi Driver, with Jake Gyllenhaal’s morally vacuous street prowler supplanting Robert DeNiro’s demented urban loner. Dan Gilroy’s movie delivers a freakish amount of cinematic energy, exposing the nightmares of Los Angeles in particular, and our Eyewitness News society …

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WikChip Image Humanity? Hell no, keep filming.