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Thunderbolt And...
Very Good 66 Points 1974

Thunderbolt And Lightfoot still entertains nearly half a century after it premiered. The star power of Clint Eastwood and a young Jeff Bridges see to that, as does a cockamamy story about Montana bank robbers.

Mostly it’s a first-rate buddy picture, not unlikely buddies but very likely budd…

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Dog Day Afternoon
Perfect 13 Points 1975
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None Yet 0 Points 1975
Midnight Express
Really Great 17 Points 1978

An intense movie that will raise your heartbeat and keep it there through the film. I’ve never been a smuggler — but the heart-pounding sequence at the beginning of the movie really get to me. The brutality and craziness of the Turkish prison experience dropped my jaw and kept it there for pret…

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A Force Of One
None Yet 0 Points 1979
The In-Laws
OK 66 Points 1979

Remembering this movie as a laugh riot, I was really let down recently watching it again. Still madcap, as I recalled from 1979, it just doesn’t deliver the LOLs.

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American Gigolo
Great 66 Points 1980

American Gigolo kickstarted the Eighties. It made the Seventies suddenly – instantly – yesterday. Unkempt & brassy gave way to sleek & sophisticated, disco to New Wave. How? Gere wearing Armani, driving a Mercedes, listening to Blondie in Schrader’s glimmering California masterpiece, that’s…

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WikChip Video The Call Me intro defined the Eighties
The Exterminator
None Yet 0 Points 1980
Perfect 13 Points 1981

Mann’s first film. Frank is the best character Mann has created and the scene in the diner is better than the one in Heat.

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Hill Street Blues
None Yet 0 Points 1981