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A League Of The...
Great 2 Points 1992

This is one of those movies that passed many people by but shouldnt have. It ranks right up there is evil dead and clockwork orange. It isnt a great piece of cinimatic art but by god it is a great movie to watch.

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Schindler's List
Perfect 21 Points 1993

Spielberg’s incredibly impactful and cinematic re-telling of arguably the darkest period in human history won’t soon be forgotten. If you weren’t already shocked by the history of Nazism, this movie will bring it home to you with images from the Warsaw Ghetto, Auschwitz, survival and crazed blind…

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4 Replies
  • MJ5K – Easily the best holocaust movie. And I agree with FA...
  • Fire at Will! – It's a fantastic movie - and yes, the best Holocaust...
  • Wick – I agree that it is the Best Holocaust movie.
  • Wolfman898 – Best Movie ever made.
The Shawshank R...
Perfect 93 Points 1994

Ultimate male bonding, pungent dialogue, and charismatic performances make this a classic fairytale for grown men. Tim Robbins’ steely, understated banker-behind-bars buddies up with Morgan Freeman’s laconic, decent con to form a duo for the ages.

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Devil In A Blue...
Great 66 Points 1995

Devil In A Blue Dress is a twofer: a damn good neo-noir movie and an excellent 1940s L.A. period piece, from an African-American POV. Throw in a prime Denzel Washington performance and you’ve got a great movie, one that stands the test of time. Pity they never made a sequel.

Taken from Walte…

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WikChip Video Denzel on Devil In A Blue Dress
Mulholland Falls
Good 66 Points 1996

Glamorous L.A. noir from back when real men wore fedoras makes Mulholland Falls a high calorie treat. A sultry Jennifer Connolly cavorting with John Malkovich and Nick Nolte makes it a guilty pleasure. Cheesy dialogue makes it a bit tough to swallow.

Should this luxo crime thriller be bett…

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WikChip Image Malkovich & Connelly make the movie
Saving Private ...
Really Great 37 Points 1998

Do war movies get any better than this? Puts you right there, in all the graphic realism that comes with war. But not just any war movie, this story spins a great tale that follows Hanks and his crew looking for and saving Ryan (Pitt). If you like war movies, this is a must-see.

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  • Wick – Regarding "tomelce's Review":/movie_reviews/2038-sav...
Perfect 95 Points 2000

Pollock – Portrait of the Artist as a Neurotic Genius

Jack the Dripper reanimates in Ed Harris’s masterful movie about Modern Art anti-hero Jackson Pollock.

A drinker as well as a dripper, Pollock defined `40s and `50s artistic chic.

“Too neurotic” in his own words to fight in WWII (…

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WikChip Image Dripper Drinker: "Don't use the accid...
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  • Wick – Regarding "jasonhurwitz's Review":http://www.viewgui...
Perfect 66 Points 2000

Deeply, floridly Italian, Malèna is a sumptuous WWII find, a Sicilian movie extraordinaire and a devastating depiction of Italian machismo reacting to the hottest signorina since Sophia Loren.

Monica Belluci plays the title character, a gorgeous war bride living in a small Sicilian town, bro…

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WikChip Image where Malèna went, the town followed
Beyond the Sea
Good 83 Points 2004

The Peter Principle personified: Kevin Spacey reached his level of incompetence by writing, directing and starring in Beyond the Sea, a surreal biopic of Bobby Darin. The starring part was mostly fine.

The writing and directing parts, not so much.

Darin’s terrific songs make the movie an…

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WikChip Image Kate Bosworth models Sandra Dee
1 Reply
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Very Good 17 Points 2004

This movie, which was nominated for the 2005 critic’s choice awards for best picture, best supporing actor (Peter Sarsgaard), best supporting actress (Laura Linney) is about the notorious Alfred Kinsey (Liam Neeson) and his studies of human sexuality back in the 50’s — during a time when America…

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