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Breakfast at Ti...
Great 68 Points 1961

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is the apotheosis of Kennedy-era Mad Men America. Was it ever on the show? Don’t recall. Coulda, shoulda.

Blake Edwards opens his movie of Truman Capote’s novella on an empty Fifth Avenue, with Audrey Hepburn in a little black dress emerging at the only Tiffany’s in…

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WikChip Image Audrey in The Little Black Dress
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Dangerous Liaisons
Really Great 67 Points 1988

Five big-names starring in “the best period film”1 make Steven Frears’ Dangerous Liaisons really great. Frears, he of The Queen, employs Michelle Pfeiffer, Glen Close, a nubile Uma Thurmond and a horny John Malkovich in bringing Christopher Hampton’s …

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WikChip Image They are impressive. The cast, that is.
Interview with ...
Great 66 Points 1994

Looking for a real vampire movie? Baroque, bloody, bawdy, not to mention strict with the rules, Interview with the Vampire fits the bill. Indeed, Anne Rice’s celebrated novel led to a quintessential vampire movie: star powered, obsessively detailed and expansively imagined. Even mature movie…

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WikChip Video Feast Your Fangs, er... Eyes on This
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Very Good 66 Points 2009

A sly fox of a movie, more for adults than kids, notwithstanding that it’s from a children’s novel, Fantastic Mr. Fox deftly spins an involving tale from start to finish. Writer-Director Wes Anderson uses stop-action animation to impart a superhero vibe that – together with a considerable amou…

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WikChip Video The trailer conveys the droll charm.
Very Good 66 Points 1963

Paul Newman wanted to be bad and got his wish with Hud. He plays a charismatic asshole, a user and abuser whose evil becomes increasingly evident as the movie rolls along. Three Oscars came in its wake, though King Cool himself had to be satisfied with just a nomination. Think Hud would’ve s…

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WikChip Image His unwanted attention brought her an...
Really Great 66 Points 1964

Goldfinger has everything we love about James Bond, other than a memorable Bond girl. It’s got Sean Connery driving his legendary Aston Martin, complete with ejector seat and machine guns. It’s got a great “Bond, James Bond” and “Shaken, not stirred.” Most valuably, Goldfinger himself is a t…

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WikChip Image Oddjob's killer hat.
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Master and Comm...
Really Great 66 Points 2003

Ultimate naval warfare movie, thy name is Master and Commander. It’s got everything: broadside cannon battles, flogging and grogging, close observation of life aboard an early 19th Century warship, mast-top ocean views, even visits to the Galápagos Islands. Ahoy.

Oh yeah, then there’s that…

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WikChip Image 1805 military surgery impressively re...
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True Grit
Very Good 66 Points 1969

Star power in service to a (then) unconventional story makes for a very good movie. A grizzled John Wayne, shiny Glen Campbell and sharp Robert Duvall provide the star power, while a young girl hiring a de facto bounty hunter to track down her father’s killer provides the novel story.


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WikChip Video Yowza, true Western entertainment
Mulholland Falls
Good 66 Points 1996

Glamorous L.A. noir from back when real men wore fedoras makes Mulholland Falls a high calorie treat. A sultry Jennifer Connolly cavorting with John Malkovich and Nick Nolte makes it a guilty pleasure. Cheesy dialogue makes it a bit tough to swallow.

Should this luxo crime thriller be bett…

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WikChip Image Malkovich & Connelly make the movie
The 39 Steps
Perfect 66 Points 1935

Delightful and gripping, this early Hitchcock gem became the model for fugitive hero thrillers ever since. Terrifically entertaining – albeit dated in dialog, edginess and production values – The 39 Steps is a must see for anyone interested in the original hero-on-the-run-from-the-good-and-bad…

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WikChip Image Something's going on here.