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From Russia wit...
Good 66 Points 1963

The best Bond? Hardly, notwithstanding its haughty reputation and terrific title.

Connery’s in rare form, granted. However the Bond girls are … who are they again? Former beauty queen Daniela Bianchi and a pair of Gypsies. Hardly Ursula Andress, Halle Berry or Jane Seymour.

The übervi…

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WikChip Image Connery & Miss World Runner-Up
Ender's Game
Good 83 Points 2013

Nice try, but Ender’s Game is barely a winner. Perhaps Orson Scott Card was right in saying his lauded SciFi novel is unfilmable.

BrianSez and other fans of Card’s novel and its sequels may like it better than a newbie like me. I ha…

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WikChip Image What's going on in there Ender?
Clear And Prese...
Good 66 Points 1994

Movies from Tom Clancy novels reliably deliver realistic military trappings and brisk plotting, with Clear and Present Danger a classic of the breed. Dating from the era when cocaine kingpins effectively controlled Columbia, it still seems relevant now that endemic narco-crime has moved north …

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WikChip Image USS Kitty Hawk: realistic military tr...
The Shootist
Good 66 Points 1976

John Wayne’s final movie serves as a benediction for gunfighters at the dawn of the 20th Century, and for Wayne’s career as a celluloid gunfighter. It does the latter better than the former, making it more of an obligation for fans of the Duke than for Western fans generally.

The Shootist b…

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WikChip Image Lauren Bacall: strong & lovely
This Is Where I...
Good 17 Points 2014

Family dysfunction is great fodder for a comedy. The trick is to get the right cast to create the quirky chemistry and generate the laughs. Jason Bateman delivers his tried-and-true semi-straight-man schtick and cohorts Tina Fey, Jane Fonda, and Adam Driver make the LOLs happen. Good stuff.

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Good 66 Points 2015

Even as an adult who hasn’t read any of R.L. Stine’s fantastically popular Goosebumps horror novels for children, Goosebumps the movie made for an engaging and satisfying airplane entertainment experience. One can only imagine how much better it was received by the millions of kids who treasu…

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WikChip Image Jack Black as R.L. Stine with R.L. Stine
3:10 to Yuma
Good 114 Points 2007

A traditional Western presented with richly modern production values, 3:10 to Yuma fails to satisfy due to an ultimately silly story and run-of-the-mill performances.

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The Beguiled
Good 17 Points 2017

The first thing that came to my mind when watching Beguiled is that being around all that young, southern, estrogen laden drama is bound to be more dangerous to a Yankee soldier than most battlefields. I was not wrong. Unfortunately and despite the fact that the story was quite compelling, the m…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":https://www.viewguide....
American Assassin
Good 66 Points 2017

The War Against Islamist Terror gets short shrift in the nearly risible American Assassin, which starts well, powerfully well, but then goes mostly downhill. Quality aside: Sequel or No Sequel? That is the question. This origin story sets a low bar, yet made money, so why not a sequel. It’ll al…

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WikChip Video Lame conversation misses the point
Red Sparrow
Good 17 Points 2018

Good old fashioned US-Russia cold war espionage with an updated twist. I loved the storyline but the implementation was a bit dreary at times, despite having Jennifer Lawrence to look at the whole time.

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