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Anchorman 2: Th...
Good 66 Points 2013

The Legend Continues and so do the laughs. Unfortunately so do the gaffes, which way outnumber the LOLs, driving the gaffe-to-laugh ratio well above 1. That’s far from great, even if some of the bits are truly great. Yes, you’ll laugh YAO early & often enough, so one can say The Legend C…

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WikChip Video Good, Bad & Ugly: Carell, Ferrell, Team
The Naked Gun
Great 66 Points 1988

Still LOL funny after all these years, The Naked Gun’s inspired lunacy retains its comedic potency.

Leslie Nielsen’s obtuse police detective played off a rogue’s gallery of evil archetypes, from the Ayatollah and other 1988 Axis of Evil bastards, to a local crime lord, earning legendary stat…

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WikChip Video Taking down an Axis of Evil
The Dictator
None Yet 0 Points 2012
F Troop
None Yet 0 Points 1965