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Good 83 Points 2011

As Liam Neeson movies go, Unknown is a bit sub-par. It bears a resemblance to the Taken duo in that he’s an American on the run from and after bad guys in a European capital, but its plot is way more mysterious. Too mysterious, even though it reve…

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WikChip Image Bad Taxi Ride: Neeson & Kruger
OK 17 Points 2011

Undefeated is a bit of a misnomer – the Manassas Tigers actually lost their first football game, and by hook and by crook – coach Bill Courtney took this scrappy underprivileged neighborhood team to Tennessee greatness. Bill himself narrates, so you get his story as well as his inspirational mes…

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Uncut Gems
Great 66 Points 2019

Uncut Gems could be titled Deadly Sins, with the wages of sin its inevitable conclusion. Populated by a rogues gallery of serious sinners and propelled by seriously sinful decisions, the Safdie Brothers once again wallow through the flamboyant dregs of New York. It’s a glorious car-crash expe…

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WikChip Video Sandler & Garnett
Uncle Drew
Great 66 Points 2018

Uncle Drew has great timing, both when it hit theaters and how it rolls its comedy. It premiered on-time and on-target: three weeks after the NBA playoffs concluded, just as my basketball jones started to kick in. Plus, it’s populated with proven NBA superstars, including Shaquille O’Neal, Amer…

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WikChip Video Original Uncle Drew short films
Really Great 66 Points 2014

The Arab Spring comes alive in Tyrant, the most politically important TV series to come along in – well – a long time. Palace intrigue swirls around the fictional Al Fayeed family, tyrannical rulers of the fictional Arab country Abbudin. Their prodigal son returns from Los Angeles in the prem…

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WikChip Image The Sopranos have got nothing on them
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Two Days, One N...
Very Good 66 Points 2014

Doleful economies are often enabled by Social Democratic governments, a reality brought to life in Two Days, One Night. Jobs are few and far between in 2014 Belgium, with a job at a government-subsidized solar-cell factory being the difference between home ownership and public housing. "The Dol…

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WikChip Video "Needles And Pins" in the car: Cute
Trouble with th...
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Cliches are rarely so well calibrated as in Trouble with the Curve. Crusty father, chip-off-the-ol’-block daughter, minor league baseball, small towns, hot dogs, roadhouses, and on and on. BTW, those hot dogs are of the ballpark and ballplayer varieties, with one of the latter played by Justin …

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WikChip Video Heartwarming
Tropic Thunder
Great 92 Points 2008

Plenty funny, at least 60% LOL, yet as with all brutally rude modern comedies, the other 40% induces winces and groans. Still funny is funny, and this sucker brings the laughs.

Much is being made of how the movie makes fun of the retarded. But why stop there? It also makes fun of blacks, Je…

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Good 83 Points 2007

Contemporary thriller-on-a-train, ultimately gripping though it takes a while to get there, not unlike an interesting train trip. Woody Harrelson and Ben Kingsley bring star power to writer-director Brad Anderson’s well constructed movie, though the script and secondary characters are also first…

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Transformers: A...
Very Good 83 Points 2014

An upgraded cast elevates the latest Transformers movie into a perfectly acceptable summer blockbuster. Yes, yes, it’s still based on Mattel action figures, whose Godzilla-like scale dwarfs we puny humans. Plus, bombastic director Michael Bay supercharges his movies to absurdly over-the-top …

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WikChip Image Nicola Peltz, an upgrade over Megan Fox
3 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...