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Good 66 Points 2006

Priceless is an amusing trifle, as notable for its fabulous settings as for its easy charm and light comedy. Audrey Tautou’s gold digger ends up tutoring, and then falling for an unlikely partner in crime. Unfortunately, Priceless never catches fire, though it does deliver several funny mom…

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Roman Holiday
Really Great 66 Points 1953

“Introducing Audrey Hepburn” reads an opening credit. Yes, the elfin Screen Queen made her debut as a fairytale Princess in Roman Holiday, for which she won the Best Actress Oscar — a splash for the ages!

One of the best RomComs ever, Roman Holiday enchants to this day, utterly charming begi…

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WikChip Image Moviestar Princess wearing Edith Head
Russian Dolls
Very Good 66 Points 2005

Goodbye Barcelona. Russian Dolls sends the Euro dudes and dudettes from The Spanish Apartment to London, Paris and St. Petersburg, with a side trip for clubbing in Moscow. Fairly steady sexual tension and plenty of mildly amusing romantic hijinks make it an entertaining trip, one that’s set…

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WikChip Image A lesbian becomes a dude's best friend
None Yet 0 Points 1995
Safety Not Guar...
Great 83 Points 2012

Safety not guaranteed, but viewing pleasure is assured from this endearing romcom. It features a smart story about a Miss Lonelyheart falling in love with an apparently crazy time-traveler she’s researching for an exposé. His crazy but real (crazy-real?) scenario meshes well with today’s über-ir…

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WikChip Image "If it were so certain, I wouldn't be...
Salmon Fishing ...
OK 66 Points 2012

An awkward title and stilted premise suggest an awkward movie. It is. It’s also very British. Imagine that.

Its two strong leads can’t do much but look great. Well they can also sound great, which they do.

Still ain’t enough, as we say here in the States.

Back to the title, what’s up…

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WikChip Image Oddball Setting for a Romance
Scott Pilgrim v...
Very Good 99 Points 2010

Boy gets girl is as traditional as movies get. Scott Pilgrim gets the girl alright, but the rest of this video-game inspired romantic comedy gets pretty far from traditional.

Start with the boy, a nerdy rocker. Then the girl, a man-eater with a slew of evil – superpowered – exes, not all of…

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WikChip Image Pow! Super punch, Scott Pilgrim.
Second Act
Good 17 Points 2018

Cute feel good date movie, with Jennifer Lopez and an all star cast that works well together.

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Serving Sara
None Yet 0 Points 2002
She's Out of My...
OK 17 Points 2010

Every now and again a dumb comedy is good for you – allows you enjoy something without thinking too hard. She’s Out of my League is one of those films. Can a dorky TSA agent win over a hot gal? Not likely, but reality isn’t something you expect from a movie like this anyway. Plenty of LOL mom…

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2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • BigdaddyDave – Congrats on your 400th review!