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Great 66 Points 1995

Restoration refers to Britain’s casting off of Puritanism, a liberated time of royal hedonism and bawdy theater, from which a much lauded historical novel was derived. Add in Robert Downey Jr., Meg Ryan, Sam Neill and the stunning Polly Walker for cinematic firepower. Restoration is the resul…

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WikChip Image Polly Walker's stunning Royal Mistress
Devil In A Blue...
Great 66 Points 1995

Devil In A Blue Dress is a twofer: a damn good neo-noir movie and an excellent 1940s L.A. period piece, from an African-American POV. Throw in a prime Denzel Washington performance and you’ve got a great movie, one that stands the test of time. Pity they never made a sequel.

Taken from Walte…

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WikChip Video Denzel on Devil In A Blue Dress
Mulholland Falls
Good 66 Points 1996

Glamorous L.A. noir from back when real men wore fedoras makes Mulholland Falls a high calorie treat. A sultry Jennifer Connolly cavorting with John Malkovich and Nick Nolte makes it a guilty pleasure. Cheesy dialogue makes it a bit tough to swallow.

Should this luxo crime thriller be bett…

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WikChip Image Malkovich & Connelly make the movie
Great 93 Points 1997

King of the World combination of teen dream romance, larger than life disaster and mechanical intrigue. Pushes the entertainment buttons of most every demographic.

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WikChip Image Front Page News
Perfect 66 Points 1998

Elizabeth is a smashingly good movie – presented with great aplomb – about worldshaping events, centered on arguably the greatest queen of all time. All that and the great Cate Blanchett’s first ever motion picture role – for which she was nominated for the Best Actress Oscar.

Politically t…

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A Walk on the Moon
Great 66 Points 1999

Neil Armstrong’s giant leap for mankind and the Woodstock hippy-fest form an evocative backdrop for insightful drama in A Walk on the Moon. Sexy as hell, this 1999 movie features Diane Lane as a truly beautiful cat-on-a-hot-tin-roof and teenaged Anna Paquin as her too-hot-to-trot daughter, circ…

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WikChip Image Homemaker @ Woodstock
Perfect 66 Points 2000

Deeply, floridly Italian, Malèna is a sumptuous WWII find, a Sicilian movie extraordinaire and a devastating depiction of Italian machismo reacting to the hottest signorina since Sophia Loren.

Monica Belluci plays the title character, a gorgeous war bride living in a small Sicilian town, bro…

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WikChip Image where Malèna went, the town followed
O Brother, Wher...
Really Great 72 Points 2000

O Brother, Where Art Thou? looks stupid but is actually brilliant and brilliantly funny. Classic Coen Brothers is also what it is, a movie only their fertile minds and clever craft could conceive and consummate. For instance, George Clooney’s escaped con clambers aboard a box car and begins his…

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WikChip Video Constant Sorrow? More like Constant Joy.
From Hell
Good 17 Points 2001

Ultra-smart, psychic, but troubled opium smoking and laudanum ingesting inspector Aberline (Johnny Depp) leads us through this dark adventure of the hunt for Jack the Ripper. This is Victorian London at its worst, filthy streets, filthy harlots, crazy medical procedures, and even crazier results…

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The Other Side ...
OK 66 Points 2001

A Mormon missionary’s time in Tonga makes for an entertaining family movie, if you can leave the proselytizing aside. The Other Side of Heaven is also an appealing period piece, first in the 1950s United States, but mostly in the South Pacific Islands of that era.

Based on the biography of …

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WikChip Image Before she was a star: Anne Hathaway