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Monsters Univer...
None Yet 0 Points 2013
Miracle on 34th...
None Yet 0 Points 1947
Miracle on 34th...
None Yet 0 Points 1994
Pretty Bad 66 Points 2015

Minions aren’t just evil, they’re bad, or at least their movie is bad. It’s a children’s movie and I’m an adult, sure. But other kiddie pix work for parents as well as kids, and not just those from Pixar.

Part of the problem is that the villain is more ridiculous than scary and isn’t funny a…

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Really Great 83 Points 2013

Thor Heyerdal and Kon-Tiki have been the coolest sounding names for well over half a century now. They certainly made an impression on me as a kid, when Heyerdal was already a longstanding legend. It didn’t hurt that his name was Thor – not uncommon for Nordics, yet still bold. He wore it well…

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WikChip Video Shark!! Stunning VFX throughout the ...
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Journey to the ...
OK 74 Points 2008

Entirely serviceable entertainment for young boys, and those in touch with their inner boy.

Note that I saw it as an airplane movie, so it was most assuredly not the 3D version. I bet it’d be a hoot and a half in 3D. But why stop there? The movie was clearly designed with a future theme p…

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Jack the Giant ...
Good 17 Points 2013

A new twist on Jack serves as the vehicle to kick in the 3D action for the family. Unlike movies like ‘Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunders’, Jack stays a little truer to its fairly-tale roots, including a love story where the humble Jack goes for the seemingly out of reach princess. Within the c…

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Inside Out
Great 83 Points 2015

Inside Out is an intellectual high-wire act that’s cute, affecting and funny, a degree of blockbuster difficulty only Pixar would attempt. Yet the Emeryville hit factory succeeds magnificently, as they almost always do.

Pixar legend Pete Doctor & stalwart Ronnie del Carmen turn cognitive the…

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WikChip Video 107 facts about Inside Out
Incredibles 2
Really Great 66 Points 2018

Incredibles 2 is tremendously entertaining for young and old alike, albeit not incredibly entertaining. Coming after a decade in which superhero movies have ruled the multiplexes, it so gets Supers, as those id-like people are called in the movie, just as it so gets real people: moms, dads, kid…

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WikChip Video Edna Mode, moviestar
Great 93 Points 2011

Martin Scorsese does a kid’s movie, delivering a film history lesson wrapped in a Parisian postcard. Glorious visuals, affecting performances and deft filmmaking flourishes make it a treat for kids of all ages.

The fable of Hugo Cabret imagines an orphan boy who lives in the walls of a stor…

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WikChip Image Hey, who's that photographer?
3 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • izzio – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "izzio's Review":