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Up in the Air
Perfect 98 Points 2009

Behold the Great American Movie starring American idol George Clooney flying on American Airlines. This All American trifecta makes Up in the Air an instant American classic. And a damn funny one at that: good thing, since we Americans love to laugh, especially when nursing a really f-ing bad…

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Robin Hood
Very Good 98 Points 2010

“Disappointing” summer blockbusters should all be this good. It nails the target – if not the bull’s-eye – of what they’re supposed to deliver: bravura moviestar performances, spectacular visuals, manly swordplay, and a touch of romance. At almost two and a half hours, this latest incarnation o…

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WikChip Image The Tower of London in full glory.
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  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2393-robin-...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
  • MJ5K – Thanks, Wick. It was a great movie. Just think of it...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
Good 97 Points 2007

Pixar fan though I am, this latest installment was a disappointment. While the story picked up steam towards the end, the movie delivered no laugh-out-loud moments and little insight into the human condition illustrated by the fantastical characters, the hallmarks of great Pixar movies.

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3 Replies
  • MJ5K – Well trust me, its worse than Ratatoulle.
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/728-ratatou...
  • MJ5K – Man, Wik, you were disapointed? This was one of my f...
The Kingdom
Very Good 96 Points 2007

The Hollywood action movie treatment gets applied to Islamist terrorism in the center of Arabian Oil power in The Kingdom. The result is an entertaining and enlightening show that has more than enough relevance to raise it above run-of-the-mill popcorn fare.

Several mainstream media critic…

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Winter's Bone
Very Good 96 Points 2010

Heroism and bravery have a new name, and that name is Ree. Just 17 years old, Ree’s as brave and heroic as any movie hero ever. Played by stellar newcomer Jennifer Lawrence, her quest – Winter’s Bone being a quest movie – is so virtuous and she’s so intrepid, so true, that you know she’s boun…

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WikChip Video "Talking just causes witnesses."
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  • Wick – Regarding "John A Massie's Review":/movie_reviews/28...
Vicky Cristina ...
Very Good 95 Points 2008

More droll drama than pure comedy, VCB is nonetheless plenty amusing, even generating a couple of low-key LOL moments, like a racy Prairie Home Companion for the urbane.

Though sleek and understated, this remains a classic Woody Allen film, full of high-toned people cavorting in Architectu…

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WikChip Image Casa Batllo in Barcelona, designed by...
Django Unchained
Really Great 95 Points 2012

Django Unchained is an absurdly good movie that goes where few filmmakers dare tread, and succeeds so completely that only Tarantino could pull it off. What he’s pulled off is a Tarantinic take on the first of the two racial decimations to occur in the heart of Western Civilization, three year…

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WikChip Image Give this man an Oscar. Seriously.
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Gangster Squad
Great 95 Points 2013

The first great movie of 2013 is Gangster Squad.

Oh great, what we’ve got here is a movie featuring a bunch of Hollywood Liberals gunning down loads of people with weapons they’d like to ban in real life, all in the name of entertainment. Only in America.

OTOH, what’s great is a richly p…

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WikChip Image Bogie & Bacall? Gosling & Stone
2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Silver Linings ...
Perfect 95 Points 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the Best Movie of the Year, indeed the Great American Movie of 2012. Silver Linings Playbook serves up a perfect stew of current American enthusiasms, including the NFL, psychiatric meds and Dancing with the Stars. Oh yeah, it’s also an ultimate Philly movie. Wha…

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WikChip Image The brightest star in a star studded ...
3 Replies
  • jasonhurwitz – Finally watched this movie, and effin' A, man. It's ...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Jack Reacher
Good 95 Points 2012

Jack Reacher feels less like a movie and more like a mongo TV pilot, one sporting superstar charisma, huge production values and enough sociopathic violence to sicken half the country.

Why the sick level of violence? For Reacher to brutally exterminate the bad guys, the bad guys have to prov…

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WikChip Image She was 5 months pregnant. Just saying.
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  • Wick – Regarding "jasonhurwitz's Review":http://www.viewgui...