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Very Good 88 Points 2010

Fingering two of society’s soft spots, Cyrus lampoons middle-aged singles looking for love and grown kids who’ve been emotionally indulged their entire overly-protected lives. Plus it generates plenty of LOL moments in the offing. Score.

John C. Reilly and Jonah Hill deliver great performa…

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WikChip Video Snow White and the Two Dorks
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  • Wick – Well fellows, I'm odd man out. While BigD gave it a...
Straw Dogs
OK 17 Points 2011

David and Amy return to her hometown in Mississippi. A recipe for disaster taking a west coast Yankee and intellectual writer no less to confront the rough rednecks who have a historical and current liking to Amy. Dirty tricks, lots of tension and drama ensues, with a thrilling violence-filled en…

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Really Great 83 Points 2011

Where did Drive come from? Under-titled and under-promoted, it seems to have sprang from nowhere. Pity, because it’s an extremely invigorating thriller. It also burnishes Ryan Gosling’s growing legend while establishing Nicolas Winding Refn as a major Hollywood director. Wow.

Few action …

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WikChip Image Hammer in hand, Gosling looks for a n...
Blue Valentine
Great 83 Points 2011

Everyone’s seen doomed relationships. The one in Blue Valentine is doomed six ways from Sunday.

He drinks too much. She needs more than loves him, while he loves her obsessively. She obsesses on troubles and flaws, her’s mostly. He’s childlike; she’s forced to grow up. Doomed? Oh y…

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WikChip Video Oddly endearing song - and movie.
The Artist
Perfect 83 Points 2011

So that’s what everyone was talking about… charm in abundance, joyous surprises throughout, a winning pair of romantic leads and one really cute dog. Best Picture? Sure, why not. Who needs the spoken word.

Let’s rewind. Having missed The Artist during its 2011 heyday, I finally caught …

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WikChip Image Man's best friend: Uggie & the Moviestar
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The Cabin in th...
Perfect 83 Points 2012

Is there a funnier scary movie? While not laugh-your-guts-out, The Cabin in the Woods is LOL all thru. The comedy just keeps coming and coming. Bloody deaths come too, soon a welcome part of the comedy.

Some reviewers decline to describe the movie. Just go they say. Why not describe i…

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WikChip Image Kiss Me You Fool: Sexiest Dare Ever
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Really Great 83 Points 2012

Comic genius, thy name is Seth MacFarlane, the writer, director and voice of Ted, a wildly ill-behaved “living” teddybear. The movie’s conceit is that a grown man’s arrested development gets enabled by this magical best buddy, who has taken on nothing but bad habits since leaving chronological…

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WikChip Image Ted cops a feel. Isn't he cute?
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Moonrise Kingdom
Great 83 Points 2012

Wes Anderson movies are an acquired taste – highly stylized, absurdly droll comedies. Moonrise Kingdom? Stylized well into pronounced surrealism. Yet it works due to a lovely and improbable romance between a couple of emotionally disturbed twelve year-olds.

Being a Wes Anderson movie, the…

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WikChip Image Searching for her man, er, boy.
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Good 86 Points 2012

Oliver Stone loves making drug-trade movies, war movies and especially drug war movies. So a California drug war makes an ideal subject for his obsessions. Savages – the title flaunts its nihilistic appeal – fills the bill. Speaking of flaunting, Stone’s movie sports rich ingredients but nev…

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WikChip Image Salma Hayek -- Cleopatra Kingpin
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Safety Not Guar...
Great 83 Points 2012

Safety not guaranteed, but viewing pleasure is assured from this endearing romcom. It features a smart story about a Miss Lonelyheart falling in love with an apparently crazy time-traveler she’s researching for an exposé. His crazy but real (crazy-real?) scenario meshes well with today’s über-ir…

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WikChip Image "If it were so certain, I wouldn't be...