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Good 37 Points 2009

Good bro goes to war, Bad bro stays home and looks after good bro’s family – em, maybe a little too well? Brothers has a great cast and a story that probably resonates with many, but unfortunately comes across a bit disjoint in execution as it tries to be both a drama and a war movie at the same…

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Body of Lies
Good 83 Points 2008

Given the dismal state of Islamist terror movies, this surprisingly evenhanded thriller tops the heap, though its disjointed plot comes together slowly and Leonardo DiCaprio’s CIA character lacks charisma. Fortunately he’s flanked by two great actors, the estimable Russell Crowe and the slickly …

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The Hurt Locker
Great 83 Points 2008

Finally, a USA friendly Iraq War movie, the novelty of which shows how far Hollywood has drifted from objective reality and obvious movie subjects. Wonder of wonders, a show of fellow Americans resolutely and professionally pursuing their liberation mission offers a tremendous adrenaline rush, a…

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WikChip Image SFC James: More gung ho than sane.
2 Replies
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2155-the-hu...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2233-th...
The Kingdom
Very Good 96 Points 2007

The Hollywood action movie treatment gets applied to Islamist terrorism in the center of Arabian Oil power in The Kingdom. The result is an entertaining and enlightening show that has more than enough relevance to raise it above run-of-the-mill popcorn fare.

Several mainstream media critic…

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A Mighty Heart
None Yet 0 Points 2007
In the Valley o...
Really Great 17 Points 2007

This was a fantastic movie. At first it seemed that it would be not much more than a

detective yarn with a military twist, but it became much more. It exposes the human drama of

loss, pain, the will and determination to seek truth, how war twists us all, coping,

just how complicated …

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Good 17 Points 2007

Redacted is filmed in a ‘faux documentary’ style (read: hints of Cloverfield) and focuses on the American occupation in Iraq and an ugly incident in Samara. The movie stands out from otheres of the genre in the way it confrontings the subject in a raw uncut fashion. Certainly De Palma was trying…

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United 93
Perfect 29 Points 2006

United 93 takes place the day a tragedy occurred, September 11, 2001. It seems like a normal day to everyone. No one has any idea how big of an impact this day will have. At first everything goes as scheduled through the airlines. However, those who monitor the airplanes do become suspicious. The…

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