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Trouble with th...
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Cliches are rarely so well calibrated as in Trouble with the Curve. Crusty father, chip-off-the-ol’-block daughter, minor league baseball, small towns, hot dogs, roadhouses, and on and on. BTW, those hot dogs are of the ballpark and ballplayer varieties, with one of the latter played by Justin …

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WikChip Video Heartwarming
Silver Linings ...
Perfect 95 Points 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the Best Movie of the Year, indeed the Great American Movie of 2012. Silver Linings Playbook serves up a perfect stew of current American enthusiasms, including the NFL, psychiatric meds and Dancing with the Stars. Oh yeah, it’s also an ultimate Philly movie. Wha…

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WikChip Image The brightest star in a star studded ...
3 Replies
  • jasonhurwitz – Finally watched this movie, and effin' A, man. It's ...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
This Means War
Pretty Bad 66 Points 2012

Woof. This Means War lacks charm, laughs and sexiness. How’s that last happen with the scrumptious Reese Witherspoon being fought over by Chris Pine and Tom Hardy? Leading men don’t get much hotter.

Blame bad directing, worse writing and a general lack of chemistry between these normally …

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WikChip Image The look on Reese's face? Vocational ...
Salmon Fishing ...
OK 66 Points 2012

An awkward title and stilted premise suggest an awkward movie. It is. It’s also very British. Imagine that.

Its two strong leads can’t do much but look great. Well they can also sound great, which they do.

Still ain’t enough, as we say here in the States.

Back to the title, what’s up…

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WikChip Image Oddball Setting for a Romance
Safety Not Guar...
Great 83 Points 2012

Safety not guaranteed, but viewing pleasure is assured from this endearing romcom. It features a smart story about a Miss Lonelyheart falling in love with an apparently crazy time-traveler she’s researching for an exposé. His crazy but real (crazy-real?) scenario meshes well with today’s über-ir…

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WikChip Image "If it were so certain, I wouldn't be...
Very Good 66 Points 2012

Comedies get no respect, so perceptively intelligent movies like Wanderlust get discounted by the critics. Never mind that it’s continuously clever even if only sporadically LOL.

The LOLs do come however, some hitting various parts of the audience and some slaying everyone. When a Big One …

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WikChip Image Justin Theroux's 2-faced manipulator
My Awkward Sexu...
Good 66 Points 2012

From Canada comes a fresh and often funny sex comedy. It is what it says it is: high concept applied to low regions. Thus you get sleeping sex, a bright and poppy production, and a jilted accountant flying off to Toronto for pictorial proof that other girls find him attractive. Did I mention t…

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WikChip Image Man Whore gets the party started
The Hunger Game...
Really Great 83 Points 2013

The silver screen has never seen a contemporary ideal the likes of Katniss Everdeen, male or female. Jennifer Lawrence’s rise to superstardom is wrapped up in her personification of this revolutionary hero, this secular Joan of Arc for our post-modern times. J.Law channels J.Arc to become K.E…

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WikChip Image They have relationship issues.
Only Lovers Lef...
Perfect 66 Points 2013

Brilliant vampire movie, thy name is Only Lovers Left Alive. Literate, laconic and full of lusciously languorous lassitude, it presents as ageless and au courant. Jim Jarmusch’s undead triumph introduces four vampires, though the V word is never used: Adam & Eve, Kit & Ava. Trust me, they …

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WikChip Image Adam & Eve asleep: Tilda & Tom
Girl Most Likely
Good 66 Points 2013

I’m not really the target audience for this movie, or at least the target gender. But I like smart comedy as much as the next guy. Well maybe more than the next guy. Most guys won’t be watching Girl Most Likely, even if it’s got Matt Dillon canoodling with an ultraMILFy Annette Bening in two …

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WikChip Image Think this'll bring the girls in? Mig...