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Gripping from start to finish, though the end is never in doubt. Stands as a testament to American heroism, ingenuity and bravura movie-making. Tom Hanks – in one of his iconic performances – heads a stellar cast atop their games. The screenplay introduced not one, but two catchphrases i…
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Haise & Lovell: Right Stuff Real Deal
Apollo 11 is an enormous cinematic accomplishment – an rFactor 1 documentary with the power, pulse and scale of big time SciFi. See it on the biggest screen possible, with the best sound system, IMAX optimally. It revivifies the epochal year of 1969, the first and last time that billions of…
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Up Close and Personal with Apollo 11
The best SciFi movie in recent memory, this under-titled triumph features a brilliantly conceived concept, wonderfully realized visuals and Sam Rockwell’s superior performance. Thrilling and thought provoking, the movie credibly creates a world where a solo lunar miner satisfies Earth’s insatiab…
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Lusting for the living pin-up at home.
Directed by Ron Howard. Shadow highlights the fascinating stories of the Apollo missions from the space men themselves. An amazing journey and story. I loved the way that the whole space program was almost a hack: try something, then fix bugs. Ironically, the height was during the 60’s when …
First Man is a forced march, joyless despite the profoundly joyous – if harrowing – adventure it chronicles. One disaster or near-disaster after another, and then … triumph. Some of this stems from the nearly inchoate mid-century man that was Neal Armstrong and some from his joyless marriage….
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How They Do It, in Hollywood