Created Jun 19, 2011 06:01PM PST • Edited Jun 19, 2011 06:01PM PST
Very Good 3.5
Directed by Ron Howard. Shadow highlights the fascinating stories of the Apollo missions from the space men themselves. An amazing journey and story. I loved the way that the whole space program was almost a hack: try something, then fix bugs. Ironically, the height was during the 60’s when many of their buddies were flying in VietNam, they felt guilty for not being there. Of course their buddies would have none of that – they understood more than many how important the space program was for the psyche of the United States. This is a great first-person look at an amazing piece of American history.
Perfect 5.0
The men who went there were in awe of what they did, to this day – Jim Lovell, Edgar Mitchell, Mike Collins, Gene Cernan, Alan Bean, Buzz Aldrin, Neal Armstrong, and more…. these guys had cohones, but were as humble as pie about it all.
Male Stars Perfect 5.0
Female Stars Perfect 5.0
Female Costars Perfect 5.0
Male Costars Perfect 5.0
Very Good 3.5
Not just about the story, this film highlights the players and their perspective. This should be required viewing for American school kids.
Direction Very Good 3.5
Play Very Good 3.5
Music Very Good 3.5
Visuals Very Good 3.5
Tame 1.0
Sex Innocent 1.0
Violence Gentle 1.0
Rudeness Polite 1.0
Natural 1.0
Circumstantial Natural 1.0
Biological Natural 1.0
Physical Natural 1.0
Jun 20, 2011 11:42AM
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