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Your Highness dons the trappings of Ye Olde English knights and damsels, mixes in sorcerers and pagan mythology, then filters the unholy brew through a 21st century slacker’s sensibility. Such low brow humor in high brow settings makes for a fun movie if you don’t mind tongue-deeply-in-cheek c…
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Low Brow Humor in High Brow Settings
Count it, X-Men deliver again. Does Marvel ever fail? Notwithstanding several major cooks in the kitchen of this particular production and the ugly problems surrounding one of them, X-Men: Days of Future Past is yet another first rate blockbuster originating from the X-Men solar system within…
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The JLaw Mystique: Fanboys Rejoice
Now this is what a marvelous blockbuster should be. No surprise, as Marvel Entertainment always delivers. And talk about a monumental origin story, one that also harks back to existing plots! Wow. Plus, given that all the X-Men come out to play – all of them – it’s also a sequel in a way. Double …
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JLaw's sexy mutant goes nightstalking.
Beware the Zeeks. Or is it Zekes? Either way, zare’s lots of Zs in WWZ, zousands even, zillions maybe. Zale get you unless Brad Pitt has his way, which he will. He’s Brad Pitt. In turn, he gets your 10 bucks. Pitt plus a Zillion Zekes zequals Zoutrageous Box Office for World War Z, gu…
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Where DO they get the energy? Darn Zs
White House Down is bombing at the box office, surprising both Hollywood and Channing Tatum fans.1 Stiff opening competition from The Heat is part of the reason, but this heavily hyped movie’s commercial coup de grâce is almost certainly its coup…
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Good running-mates. Bad platform.
It’s a big movie with a lot on its mind: Mostly that heroes are often seriously flawed and therefore institutions are intrinsically untrustworthy. But also that five out of six superheros are men, and the token female must dress as a dominatrix – with a bad costume in the case of Watchmen’s Silk…
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Real Watchmen: Superpowers not Superh...
Stephen Spielberg’s War Horse is an instant classic in several categories:
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Bringing Swords to a Gun Fight
War is Hell — an equation that the concluding episode of Planet of the Apes hammers home relentlessly. Both sides of the war for Earth, aka the Planet of the Apes, have understandable reasons to kill The Other. Their war is most assuredly hell, a legitimate, even perfectly justifiable hell…
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Smart Take