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Made in Dagenham
Good 66 Points 2010

Message-movies that dramatize real world events start with two strikes against them. The message they promote likely doesn’t resonate with everyone. And they have to hew to an often humdrum storyline.

Thus Made in Dagenham is a pleasant surprise, quirky instead of humdrum, not heavy-handed…

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Morning Glory
Good 71 Points 2010

Morning TV seduces Rachel McAdams’ plucky heroine more than a McDreamy boyfriend in this love letter to the bright lights of mainstream media. Good thing, since some well crafted career comedy makes Morning Glory reasonably entertaining to men, even if its target audience is aspiring women loo…

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WikChip Image Harrison Ford: gravitas on demand.
Please Give
Very Good 83 Points 2010

Everybody’s damaged in Please Give. Most are awful, some sweet, all adrift. Misanthropic, it generates frequent laughs at the expense of these modern Manhattanites. Think a more seriously inclined Seinfeld – from the feminine side. Not that …

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WikChip Image Big sis Amanda Peet: Skin deep beauty
Really Great 93 Points 2009

Terrific coming of age romantic-comedy, mildly raunchy and plenty knowing. Not tremendously LOL though studded with laughs, many from killer funny throwaway lines. Plus it’s a well crafted, well developed story about a set of characters who become more interesting as the movie progresses.


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Up in the Air
Perfect 98 Points 2009

Behold the Great American Movie starring American idol George Clooney flying on American Airlines. This All American trifecta makes Up in the Air an instant American classic. And a damn funny one at that: good thing, since we Americans love to laugh, especially when nursing a really f-ing bad…

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WikChip Image Keep Up Now
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  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2121-up-in-...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2121-up-in-...
Really Great 83 Points 2009

The best SciFi movie in recent memory, this under-titled triumph features a brilliantly conceived concept, wonderfully realized visuals and Sam Rockwell’s superior performance. Thrilling and thought provoking, the movie credibly creates a world where a solo lunar miner satisfies Earth’s insatiab…

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WikChip Image Lusting for the living pin-up at home.
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1893-moon ...
The Wrestler
Really Great 95 Points 2008

An elemental movie that spills the beans about a spectacularly dishonest “sport,” The Wrestler makes few false moves, provides a showcase for Mickey Rourke’s instantly legendary performance, and proves to be an involving, affecting and punch-funny movie.

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WikChip Image The Thinker as The Wrestler
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2167-th...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1686-the-wr...
  • Wick – Great review AMC. I've tried to see The Wrestler tw...
What Happens in...
Good 88 Points 2008

All the LOL moments are in the trailers. Still, Ashton and Cameron are likable, hot, self-deprecatingly funny, and have more than a smidgen of chemistry together, so the movie is a bit better than OK.

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Mad Men
None Yet 0 Points 2007
There Will Be B...
Great 104 Points 2007

Great – if sadly flawed – exploration of the early California oil industry, dramatized through the exploits of an entrepreneurial ogre. A Chinatown for Oil, the movie serves as fascinating Golden State period piece and socialist screed, decrying the imagined crimes of tycoons as it celebrates …

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2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "Wolfman898's Review":/movie_reviews/1697-...
  • Wick – First of all, my apologies if an alert went out twic...