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A Secret
Really Great 66 Points 2007

More a wartime romantic mystery than anything, A Secret is nonetheless as fine a Holocaust picture as you’ll find. Being French, it’s also a sensual love story, or two.

Let’s start at the beginning even though the movie starts in the middle. A supremely athletic and thoroughly assimilated …

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WikChip Image Cécile De France: lithe object of desire
Closed Season
Great 66 Points 2012

Closed Season’s home-front Holocaust drama gets amplified by delving into some serious sexual intrigue. Result? A great movie, one that’s titled Ende der Schonzeit in its native Germany. Google translates that as “End of the grace period”. Hmm, besser in Deutsch.

A near feudal German…

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WikChip Image "I need you to impregnate my wife here."
Operation Finale
Perfect 66 Points 2018

The banality of evil gets a powerful debunking in Operation Finale, an awkwardly if accurately titled docudrama about the Mossad’s 1960 capture of Final Solution logistics chief Adolf Eichmann in Argentina. Little Adolf was famously said to embody “the banality of evil” as he dissembled during …

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WikChip Video The (real) Man Who Got Eichmann
The Reader
Really Great 66 Points 2009

Germans come to terms with Nazi evil in this spellbinding tale of inter-generational lovers. Searingly honest in its depiction of human weakness, the movie raises profound questions about how so many Germans participated in large scale evil within the heart of the civilized world.

The story’s…

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WikChip Image This celebrated book begat the movie.
Great 66 Points 2020

Greyhound delivers naval battle action that will likely never be topped. USN Captain Tom Hanks orders his men to General Quarters more often than you’ll go to the fridge for refills. Torpedoes get fired and outmaneuvered, depth charges deployed and cannons barraged at levels rarely seen and nev…

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WikChip Video Naval battles don't more intense than...
Saving Private ...
Really Great 37 Points 1998

Do war movies get any better than this? Puts you right there, in all the graphic realism that comes with war. But not just any war movie, this story spins a great tale that follows Hanks and his crew looking for and saving Ryan (Pitt). If you like war movies, this is a must-see.

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1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "tomelce's Review":/movie_reviews/2038-sav...
The Dirty Dozen
Perfect 22 Points 1967

Best cast ever. Best men on a mission war movie ever.

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Schindler's List
Perfect 21 Points 1993

Spielberg’s incredibly impactful and cinematic re-telling of arguably the darkest period in human history won’t soon be forgotten. If you weren’t already shocked by the history of Nazism, this movie will bring it home to you with images from the Warsaw Ghetto, Auschwitz, survival and crazed blind…

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4 Replies
  • MJ5K – Easily the best holocaust movie. And I agree with FA...
  • Fire at Will! – It's a fantastic movie - and yes, the best Holocaust...
  • Wick – I agree that it is the Best Holocaust movie.
  • Wolfman898 – Best Movie ever made.
Battle of Britain
OK 17 Points 1969

They don’t make war movies like this any more: primadonna stars rendering glamorous portrayals of gentlemanly air-boys, and acting that would be considered as being over the top. Battle of Britain is all of that, and I loved it. Marvelous old planes, awesome old aerial shots of the English co…

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2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Monuments Men
OK 17 Points 2014

Instead of a serious “Saving Private Ryan” we get a semi-humorous “Saving Claude Monet”. The story is decent, send in a platoon of art experts to save the world’s gems from Nazi tyranny. However the execution is “meh.” With a cast like the one presented, I expected more in the com…

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1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...