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12 Years a Slave
Perfect 83 Points 2013

Solomon Northup has just become an iconic American hero, some fifteen and a half decades after he lived. Americans from this day forth will know his name like they know Patrick Henry’s or Harriet Tubman’s.

That’s not all. The mov…

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WikChip Image Steve McQueen directs Chiwetel Ejiofor
Red Tails
Good 83 Points 2012

The Greatest Generation embodied countless examples of valor, both personal and patriotic. The Tuskegee Airmen – as great a group of military pilots as this country ever fielded – delivered more than their fair share of each, making their story among the most significant from WWII.

*Red Tails…

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WikChip Image Lightning struck the Nazis and this pose
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Django Unchained
Really Great 95 Points 2012

Django Unchained is an absurdly good movie that goes where few filmmakers dare tread, and succeeds so completely that only Tarantino could pull it off. What he’s pulled off is a Tarantinic take on the first of the two racial decimations to occur in the heart of Western Civilization, three year…

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WikChip Image Give this man an Oscar. Seriously.
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
End of Watch
Great 83 Points 2012

I avoided End of Watch when it came out in 2012, thinking it was just a steroidal TV Cop Show, moviestar Jake Gyllenhaal notwithstanding. Then David Ayer’s movie demanded attention, given BrianSez’s effusive review and Ayer’s recent mas…

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WikChip Video Cop Dogma in Outstanding Open Scene
Cadillac Records
Very Good 66 Points 2008

Cadillac Records features truly great music, sexy antics and charismatic portrayals of legendary performers, yet it somehow leaves you blue. Unlike listening to the blues, watching its performers indulge in the proto rockstar life is vicariously wild yet unsatisfying to the soul. I suppose th…

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WikChip Video Muddy & The Stones - "Baby Please Don...
More Than a Game
Really Great 83 Points 2008

Ain’t no better basketball movie than this boys-to-men documentary about LeBron James and his brothers-in-hoops. Even better, More Than a Game can be enjoyed equally well by non-basketball fans because it’s also a brilliant and touching portrait of half a dozen contemporary African-American mal…

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WikChip Image A man leads his team of boys into man...
The Express
Very Good 83 Points 2008

A treat for football fans and civil rights era history buffs, this charming and affecting but overly reverential biopic will likely bore everyone else.

That said, excellent performances by Rob Brown, Dennis Quaid and others, top notch production values, and first-rate football action do this i…

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WikChip Video Jim Brown interviewed about Ernie Davis
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The Great Debaters
Great 104 Points 2007

Anti-denigration: The Great Debaters teaches us the root of ‘denigration’ and much more, especially how Wiley College’s debate team rose up to defend their rightful position as heirs to American greatness.

Every history lesson should be this entertaining: Denzel Washington sees to that, dire…

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American Gangster
Really Great 123 Points 2007

Denzel and Crowe at the top of their games, combined with a compelling (if familiar), interesting and assured story make this an almost perfect gangster movie, just shy of the Godfathers and Goodfellas….

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Black Snake Moan
OK 87 Points 2006

Black Snake Moan? More like Bad Play Miss — solid acting and really great music don’t fully rescue a race-baiting story in an overly-stylized production.

One glance at the poster makes BSM’s prurient appeal undeniable: pretty little Christina Ricci in Daisy Dukes and cut-off Rebel T-Shir…

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WikChip Video Cheesy and over-the-top
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