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Jiro Dreams of ...
OK 66 Points 2011

The legendary chef behind a Michelin Three Star sushi restaurant gets profiled in Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Indeed, Jiro Ono does dream of sushi, and has for most of his 85 years.

Unfortunately his BioDoc is too subtle for its own good, even given its zen subject. It also focuses as much on Ji…

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WikChip Image Jiro's Dreamy Sushi
The Intouchables
OK 66 Points 2011

The Intouchables clearly plays better in its native France than to we Americans. There it is a cultural sensation that bridges the divide between an immigrant underclass and wealthy patricians, the former living in bleak suburban projects, the latter in central Paris. Featuring big French sta…

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WikChip Image "You're going to buy that?!"
13 Assassins
Perfect 95 Points 2011

13 Assassins is a perfect samurai movie, complete with the gathering of a hit-squad, an assassination-worthy villain, operatic action sequences, frequent comic relief, beautifully bucolic staging, buckets of blood and yet not a lot of gore. Action fans in general and samurai fans in particular…

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WikChip Image 2 assassins in "The Town of Death"
1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "jasonhurwitz's Review":http://www.viewgui...
The Skin I Live In
Great 66 Points 2011

Fantástico, this latest creation by the brilliant Pedro Almodóvar; deliciously twisted too, in a gender bending, role reversing way.

Revenge and desire drive the convoluted yet well-told story. A never more dashing Antonio Bandaras plays a super-surgeon who maintains a personal clinic in his …

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WikChip Image Obsession on a flat screen.
Good 66 Points 2010

The French sure know how to concoct clever romantic comedies. If only the execution were up to snuff, Heartbreaker would be a classic of the genre. Oh bien, it screams for an American remake anyway. Hollywood simply has to cast their version better for a monster hit.

Heartbreaker mask…

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WikChip Video Romantic Comedy, French Flair
Point Blank
Great 66 Points 2010

Point Blank – a thriller on rails – pauses briefly in 84 minutes of run time, but only briefly. Otherwise it propels forward, crazed yet plausible in the moment.

The big picture is insane, of course. A male nurse and his gorgeous wife revel in the impending birth of their first child, no…

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WikChip Video The movie moves just as fast as the t...
The White Ribbon
Perfect 66 Points 2010

This dazzling German movie shows the sociological antecedents of Nazism in ways both fresh and timeless. A penetrating societal examination unprecedented in its knowingness, it would be a landmark no matter which nation it examined. That it elucidates the generation of Germans who grew up to fo…

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WikChip Image Hand Kissing: Minimal Family Affection
2 Replies
  • Wick – It's like a real life horror movie. Some reviewers ...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2248-the-wh...
Mesrine: Killer...
Very Good 66 Points 2010

France et le Québec endured Jacques Mesrine’s spectacular 1960s and 70s criminal career, anointing him a media sensation in the process. The first half of this too-big-for-a-single-movie story gets told in Mesrine: Killer Instinct, the concluding chapters in Mesrine: Public Enemy #1:…

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WikChip Video Anti-hero: "Nobody kills me until I s...
Great 83 Points 2010

The heart of a battle-tank turns into a heart of darkness for four soldiers – softies – thrust into the horror of war. The obvious comparison to Das Boot captures Lebanon’s ironclad claustrophobia and blinkered view. Yet, Apocalypse Now seems more fitting an antecedent given how these unw…

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WikChip Image Caught in the crosshairs: Major Hardb...
The Girl with t...
Great 66 Points 2010

Hollywood must be licking its chops to remake this Swedish hit. Chockablock with career-making roles, combining fashionable anti-capitalist politics with feminist blood-lust, and striking a crisply efficient thriller tone, it suffers only from a poor title, not that that matters given how huge t…

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WikChip Video Good trailer, great movie.