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Lock, Stock and...
Good 66 Points 1998

The biggest British movie of ‘98 was Guy Ritchie’s first ever, a very British one indeed. Much of the humor is how unintelligible most of the movie’s lowlifes are, Ritchie being a specialist in ultra vernacular comedy.

Three million Brits bought tickets. Frankly, that’s too much British com…

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WikChip Image Barry the Baptist ain't happy.
Really Great 66 Points 2013

Locke is an extremely understated title for a totally gripping movie about an extremely understated guy. Ivan Locke spends the whole movie driving away from home and from his life. iDrive Away or Distracted Driving or iPhone Home would give a better sense of the tightly-wound existentia…

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WikChip Image Problems? He's got a few.
London Has Fallen
Great 83 Points 2016

London Has Fallen is a distinct improvement over Olympus Has Fallen, making it a 1st-rate action movie. The sequel improves the original by having a plausible villain, albeit amidst an equally implausible story. Throw in several well-earned laughs – amid the carnage – and you’ve got a helluva…

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WikChip Video How They Made It
Love & Friendship
OK 66 Points 2016

Extravagantly praised and extravagantly mounted, Love & Friendship proves a bit dull. OK, extravagantly dull. Jane Austen wrote about women whose fortune depended on marriage, comically albeit dully here.

Kate Beckinsale & Chloë Savigny play mean girls who get over on husbands, children an…

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WikChip Image Georgian Wives on the Make
Love Actually
Great 90 Points 2003

As cheerfully commercial Christmas movies go, Love Actually is actually a crappy, er, great one. Stars aplenty populate ten mostly separate love stories, making for a generally lighthearted confection. Writer-director Richard Curtis is a master of these trendy RomComs. Like his "Four Weddings a…

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WikChip Video Cheerful Commercial Crap Video
Made in Dagenham
Good 66 Points 2010

Message-movies that dramatize real world events start with two strikes against them. The message they promote likely doesn’t resonate with everyone. And they have to hew to an often humdrum storyline.

Thus Made in Dagenham is a pleasant surprise, quirky instead of humdrum, not heavy-handed…

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Great 1 Points 1987

Based on E.M. Forster’s novel of “the love that dare not speak its name” , MAURICE follows the relationship between two men who meet at Cambrige University in Edwardian England, and their exploration of homosexual love in a time when being gay was a crime punishable by a strict penile code that …

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WikChip Video MAURICE -1987
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  • Wick – Regarding "Zimmerview's Review":http://www.viewguide...
Pretty Bad 66 Points 2015

Minions aren’t just evil, they’re bad, or at least their movie is bad. It’s a children’s movie and I’m an adult, sure. But other kiddie pix work for parents as well as kids, and not just those from Pixar.

Part of the problem is that the villain is more ridiculous than scary and isn’t funny a…

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Mission: Imposs...
Very Good 83 Points 2018

Fallout continues Tom Cruise’s ongoing Mission: Impossible to deliver spectacularly entertaining blockbuster entertainment in the face of spectacularly lofty blockbuster expectations. Notwithstanding 56 years on God’s green earth, King Cruise is potent as ever in his sixth turn as super spy E…

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WikChip Video So much fun, so many spoilers
Mission: Imposs...
Really Great 83 Points 2015

Best. Mission: Impossible. Ever.

Please Mr. Cruise, can we have another? Rogue Nation succeeds spectacularly well from the opening credits till the closing line, the very iconification of extremely entertaining action-movie hyper-reality.

This fifth M:I movie is the first to envelope …

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WikChip Image Great Casting: CIA Chief Alec Baldwin