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Black Widow
Really Great 66 Points 1987

Genre movies get no better than Black Widow, a noirish crime drama that delivers just what its title promises. A stunning woman seduces rich men to marry her, kills them, absconds with their fortunes and finds her next mark. You hardly want her caught, especially if you’re a guy and she’s not…

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WikChip Image Black Widow in Bridal Mode
Dangerous Liaisons
Really Great 67 Points 1988

Five big-names starring in “the best period film”1 make Steven Frears’ Dangerous Liaisons really great. Frears, he of The Queen, employs Michelle Pfeiffer, Glen Close, a nubile Uma Thurmond and a horny John Malkovich in bringing Christopher Hampton’s …

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WikChip Image They are impressive. The cast, that is.
Die Hard
Perfect 1 Points 1988

Die Hard is about 12 terrorist who seizes a Japanese owned High Rise building on the eve of Christmas and takes hostage of everyone at the Christmas party. A police officer who was invited to the Christmas party by his wife, who’s also a hostage, manages to escape and has to figure out a way to t…

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Sea of Love
Perfect 83 Points 1989

Engrossing and terrifically sexy, this perfect thriller combines star power, a deep cast, and a plot worthy of Hitchcock to create a movie that never goes out of style.

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WikChip Image Ellen Barkin's blonde ultra minx
Road House
OK 17 Points 1989

A good old fashioned late 80’s good vs bad action flick. Patrick Swayze in prime 80’s regalia (you know, mullet, tank shirt, smoking, hot girl winning), as he holds the role of super-bouncer and takes on the bad dudes getting the way of an honest folks trying to make money from music, girls…

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None Yet 0 Points 1989

A breath of fresh air amidst a stagnant sea of bad 80’s slashers. Watch the review!

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Perfect 9 Points 1990

I’ve read many Stephen King novels and am a huge fan. I have not, however, read Misery. The movie makes me want to very much.

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None Yet 0 Points 1990
The Silence Of ...
Perfect 44 Points 1991

Silence of the Lambs set the standard for the psychological crime thriller. As Hanibal, Anthony Hopkins does ‘evil’ like nobody else, and if that wasn’t enough, Jodie Foster and her law enforcement brood need to find and deal with Hanibal’s sick protege. This movie deserved all of the Oscars that…

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Cape Fear
None Yet 0 Points 1991