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Big Sur
OK 66 Points 2013

Big Sur destroys Jack Kerouac’s legend, revealing the beatnik icon to be a self-pitying, self-absorbed alky. Generations of young romantics were awestruck by the celebrated author, pining for his life On The Road. I’ve long been one of those romantics, so was eager for a peek. But, as it’s sa…

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WikChip Image Cassady & Kerouac - fake & real
That Awkward Mo...
None Yet 0 Points 2014
About Last Night
None Yet 0 Points 2014
Endless Love
None Yet 0 Points 2014
The Other Woman
Very Good 66 Points 2014

A cheated wife gets her revenge in The Other Woman by stealing the movie from “the other woman”. That would be Leslie Mann stealing from Cameron Diaz, the big star and a natural as the other woman. Mann is hilarious as a kookie wife who gets not just the last laugh, but most every other one a…

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WikChip Image Leslie Mann upstages Cameron Diaz, again
The Immigrant
Great 83 Points 2014

Marion Cotillard, Joaquin Phoenix and Jeremy Renner form a tortured romantic triangle at the heart of The Immigrant, a touching period drama. Cotillard, the immigrant of the title, enters America with her sister through Ellis Island. Traumatized back in Poland, she gets beset with new problems…

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WikChip Image Why so sad? She has her reasons.
The Fault in Ou...
None Yet 0 Points 2014
Obvious Child
None Yet 0 Points 2014
And So It Goes
Very Good 66 Points 2014

And So It Goes goes very well as a date night destination, especially for those of us who have received AARP junk mail. It’s a RomCom for the ages, the golden ages, which start pretty early these days.

Diane Keaton & Michael Douglas are perfectly cast in this classic Rob Reiner RomCom. It’s …

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WikChip Image Modern Fam: Grandpa, Granddaughter, G...
Magic in the Mo...
None Yet 0 Points 2014