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Perfect 66 Points 1984

Brilliance has never been more exquisitely appreciated than in Amadeus, with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s genius obsessively observed by Antonio Salieri, his lesser rival. Profound jealousy makes for such sweet sorrow, especially as snottily delivered by F. Murray Abraham in a stupendously juicy r…

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WikChip Video Sexy Opera, Very Sexy Opera
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This Is Spinal Tap
Really Great 32 Points 1984

Such a classic! If you love subtle British humor and rock, this mockumentary will be a great combination for you. No wonder it has a cult following.

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  • BrettHarrison – Regarding "BrettHarrison's Review":http://www.viewgu...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrettHarrison's Review":http://www.viewgu...
Stop Making Sense
None Yet 0 Points 1984
Let's Spend the...
Perfect 66 Points 1983

The world’s greatest rock & roll band – at the peak of their powers – glimmers brightly in Hal Ashby’s awkwardly titled movie documenting their massive 1981 stadium tour. Promoting a just released Tattoo You, the 25 song set draws six tracks from that kickass album, along with three from the u…

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WikChip Video Start Me Up as virginal stadium anthem
Ladies and Gent...
None Yet 0 Points 1982
No One Here Get...
OK 17 Points 1981

I can’t say much more than simply see this documentary if you are either a Doors fan or a fan of 60’s and 70’s music lore. The iconic Jim Morrison had a mind that few could fully understand; The poetry in his music and the unpredictability of his life is something that many will talk about…

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None Yet 0 Points 1980
Rock 'n' Roll H...
None Yet 0 Points 1979
Great 83 Points 1979

Quadrophenia stands on its own from Quadrophenia, the Who’s great rock opera from whence it sprang. For starters, the movie’s considerable spoken dialog means it’s not an opera. And while many of the album’s songs are used, not all are and they’re augmented by a few created for the movie.

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WikChip Image Riding up in front of a hundred faces...
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Kids Are Al...
None Yet 0 Points 1979