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Nobody's Fool
Good 66 Points 1994

Nobody’s Fool was a late career classic for everybody’s favorite moviestar. Paul Newman’s townie hand revels in being his own man, consequences be damned. He’s the town fool, even if he’s nobody’s fool — but his own.

Moviestar performances from not only King Cool but also Bruce Willis, Me…

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WikChip Video Paul Newman: Mr. Sensitive
A Separation
Really Great 66 Points 2012

A Separation fascinates both as an absorbing domestic drama and a lens into contemporary Iran. That compelling combination has made it a worldwide sensation, the odds-on favorite to win Best Foreign Language Film at the upcoming Oscars.

It presents two families drawn together by domestic n…

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WikChip Image Bergman in Paris? No. Hatami in Teh...
Perfect 66 Points 2017

Okja [Oak-ja] grabs your heart and doesn’t let go. It’s a perfect movie from shoulder to shank, as pure an experience of cinematic magic as the best of Spielberg. But Spielberg it ain’t. Bong it is — Bong Joon Ho.

The brilliant Korean auteur made Okja in 2017, four years after "Snowpiercer…

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The Bicycle Thief
Really Great 71 Points 1948

Reverential movie, thy name is The Bicycle Thief. Long considered one of the greatest movies of all time, it still qualifies. Real people play the parts, none more affecting than seven year-old Enzo Staiola’s Bruno.

The kid’s now my favorite boy in all of movie history.

Bruno’s Dad hock…

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WikChip Image "They don't pay for repairs!" Love t...
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  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":/movie_reviews/305...
Smart People
Great 82 Points 2008

Very funny ensemble piece about a man and his family struggling to move beyond the long-ago death of his wife, Smart People deftly skewers the low EQ of some high IQ people.1

Dennis Quaid and Sarah Jessica Parker are perfectly serviceable in not very likable roles. Good thing Thomas Haden C…

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Trouble with th...
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Cliches are rarely so well calibrated as in Trouble with the Curve. Crusty father, chip-off-the-ol’-block daughter, minor league baseball, small towns, hot dogs, roadhouses, and on and on. BTW, those hot dogs are of the ballpark and ballplayer varieties, with one of the latter played by Justin …

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WikChip Video Heartwarming
Sunshine Cleaning
Very Good 83 Points 2008

A quality date movie for grownups, Sunshine Cleaning shares more than just an ironically radiant title with 2006’s Little Miss Sunshine. Both are about overcoming failed dreams, not to mention both feature Alan Arkin as a kooky grandfather. While this year’s model doesn’t reach the inspired…

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The Lego Movie
Perfect 83 Points 2014

The Lego Movie pegs the meter, several of them actually: comedy, smarts, humanity, trendiness. Simply one of the most brilliant movies of recent years and a helluva lot of fun, it’s every bit the wonderful and transcendent movie that Toy Story

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WikChip Video Fun Lego Movie Bloopers Reel
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Transformers: A...
Very Good 83 Points 2014

An upgraded cast elevates the latest Transformers movie into a perfectly acceptable summer blockbuster. Yes, yes, it’s still based on Mattel action figures, whose Godzilla-like scale dwarfs we puny humans. Plus, bombastic director Michael Bay supercharges his movies to absurdly over-the-top …

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WikChip Image Nicola Peltz, an upgrade over Megan Fox
3 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Dawn of the Pla...
Really Great 83 Points 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a superior successor to 2011’s Great Ape Movie, the terrific Planet of the Apes reboot. An upgraded human cast rectifies the origin movie’s one significant flaw, while the ape acting – previously Bogart quality – has become downright Brando-esque. *#DawnOfA…

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WikChip Image Hail Caesar! The Great Ape Autocrat
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...